123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446 |
- //
- // OSSClient.h
- // oss_ios_sdk
- //
- // Created by zhouzhuo on 8/16/15.
- // Copyright (c) 2015 aliyun.com. All rights reserved.
- //
- #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
- @class OSSGetServiceRequest;
- @class OSSCreateBucketRequest;
- @class OSSDeleteBucketRequest;
- @class OSSHeadObjectRequest;
- @class OSSGetBucketRequest;
- @class OSSGetBucketACLRequest;
- @class OSSGetObjectRequest;
- @class OSSGetObjectACLRequest;
- @class OSSPutObjectRequest;
- @class OSSPutObjectACLRequest;
- @class OSSDeleteObjectRequest;
- @class OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsRequest;
- @class OSSCopyObjectRequest;
- @class OSSInitMultipartUploadRequest;
- @class OSSUploadPartRequest;
- @class OSSCompleteMultipartUploadRequest;
- @class OSSListPartsRequest;
- @class OSSListMultipartUploadsRequest;
- @class OSSAbortMultipartUploadRequest;
- @class OSSAppendObjectRequest;
- @class OSSResumableUploadRequest;
- @class OSSMultipartUploadRequest;
- @class OSSCallBackRequest;
- @class OSSImagePersistRequest;
- @class OSSGetBucketInfoRequest;
- @class OSSPutSymlinkRequest;
- @class OSSGetSymlinkRequest;
- @class OSSRestoreObjectRequest;
- @class OSSTask;
- @class OSSExecutor;
- @class OSSNetworking;
- @class OSSClientConfiguration;
- @protocol OSSCredentialProvider;
- /**
- OSSClient is the entry class to access OSS in an iOS client. It provides all the methods to communicate with OSS.
- Generally speaking, only one instance of OSSClient is needed in the whole app.
- */
- @interface OSSClient : NSObject
- /**
- OSS endpoint. It varies in different regions. Please check out OSS official website for the exact endpoints for your data.
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) NSString * endpoint;
- /**
- The networking instance for sending and receiving data
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) OSSNetworking * networking;
- /**
- The credential provider instance
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) id<OSSCredentialProvider> credentialProvider;
- /**
- Client configuration instance
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong) OSSClientConfiguration * clientConfiguration;
- /**
- oss operation task queue
- */
- @property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) OSSExecutor * ossOperationExecutor;
- /**
- Initializes an OSSClient instance with the default client configuration.
- @endpoint it specifies domain of the bucket's region. Starting 2017, the domain must be prefixed with "https://" to follow Apple's ATS policy.
- For example: "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
- @credentialProvider The credential provider
- */
- - (instancetype)initWithEndpoint:(NSString *)endpoint
- credentialProvider:(id<OSSCredentialProvider>) credentialProvider;
- /**
- Initializes an OSSClient with the custom client configuration.
- @endpoint it specifies domain of the bucket's region. Starting 2017, the domain must be prefixed with "https://" to follow Apple's ATS policy.
- For example: "https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com"
- @credentialProvider The credential provider
- @conf The custom client configuration such as retry time, timeout values, etc.
- */
- - (instancetype)initWithEndpoint:(NSString *)endpoint
- credentialProvider:(id<OSSCredentialProvider>)credentialProvider
- clientConfiguration:(OSSClientConfiguration *)conf;
- #pragma mark restful-api
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: GetService
- Gets all the buckets of the current user
- Notes:
- 1. STS is not supported yet in this call.
- 2. When all buckets are returned, the xml in response body does not have nodes of Prefix, Marker, MaxKeys, IsTruncated and NextMarker.
- If there're remaining buckets to return, the xml will have these nodes. The nextMarker is the value of marker in the next call.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getService:(OSSGetServiceRequest *)request;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (Bucket)
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: PutBucket
- Creates a bucket--it does not support anonymous access. By default, the datacenter used is oss-cn-hangzhou.
- Callers could explicitly specify the datacenter for the bucket to optimize the performance and cost or meet the regulation requirement.
- Notes:
- 1. STS is not supported yet.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)createBucket:(OSSCreateBucketRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: DeleteBucket
- Deletes a bucket.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)deleteBucket:(OSSDeleteBucketRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: GetBucket
- Lists all objects in a bucket. It could be specified with filters such as prefix, marker, delimeter and max-keys.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getBucket:(OSSGetBucketRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: GetBucketInfo
- Gets the {@link Bucket}'s basic information as well as its ACL.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getBucketInfo:(OSSGetBucketInfoRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: GetBucketACL
- Gets the bucket ACL.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getBucketACL:(OSSGetBucketACLRequest *)request;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (Object)
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: HeadObject
- Gets the object's metadata information. The object's content is not returned.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)headObject:(OSSHeadObjectRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: GetObject
- Gets the whole object (includes content). It requires caller have read permission on the object.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getObject:(OSSGetObjectRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: GetObjectACL
- get the acl of an object.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getObjectACL:(OSSGetObjectACLRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: PutObject
- Uploads a file.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)putObject:(OSSPutObjectRequest *)request;
- /**
- Sets the object's ACL. Right now an object has three access permissions: private, public-ready, public-read-write.
- The operation specifies the x-oss-object-acl header in the put request. The caller must be the owner of the object.
- If succeeds, it returns HTTP status 200; otherwise it returns related error code and error messages.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)putObjectACL:(OSSPutObjectACLRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: AppendObject
- Appends data to an existing or non-existing object. The object created by this operation is appendable.
- As a comparison, the object created by Put Object is normal (non-appendable).
- */
- - (OSSTask *)appendObject:(OSSAppendObjectRequest *)request;
- /**
- * @brief Appends data to an existing or non-existing object on the OSS server.
- * The object created by this operation is appendable.
- * @request request
- * @crc64ecma crc64ecma
- * if object has been stored on OSS server, you need to invoke headObject
- * api get object's crc64ecma,then use this api to append data to the
- * object.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)appendObject:(OSSAppendObjectRequest *)request withCrc64ecma:(nullable NSString *)crc64ecma;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: copyObject
- Copies an existing object to another one.The operation sends a PUT request with x-oss-copy-source header to specify the source object.
- OSS server side will detect and copy the object. If it succeeds, the new object's metadata information will be returned.
- The operation applies for files less than 1GB. For big files, use UploadPartCopy RESTFul API.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)copyObject:(OSSCopyObjectRequest *)request;
- /**
- * Batch deletes the specified files under a specific bucket. If the files
- * are non-exist, the operation will still return successful.
- *
- * @param request
- * A OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsRequest instance which specifies the
- * bucket and file keys to delete.
- * @return A OSSTask with result of OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsResult instance which specifies each
- * file's result in normal mode or only failed deletions in quite
- * mode. By default it's quite mode.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)deleteMultipleObjects:(OSSDeleteMultipleObjectsRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: DeleteObject
- Deletes an object
- */
- - (OSSTask *)deleteObject:(OSSDeleteObjectRequest *)request;
- /**
- * Creates a symbol link to a target file under the bucket---this is not
- * supported for archive class bucket.
- *
- * @param request
- * A OSSPutSymlinkRequest instance that specifies the
- * bucket name, symlink name.
- * @return An instance of OSSTask. On successful execution, `task.result` will
- * contain an instance of `OSSPutSymlinkResult`,otherwise will contain
- * an instance of NSError.
- *
- * for more information,please refer to https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/45126.html
- */
- - (OSSTask *)putSymlink:(OSSPutSymlinkRequest *)request;
- /**
- * Gets the symlink information for the given symlink name.
- *
- * @param request
- * A OSSGetSymlinkRequest instance which specifies the bucket
- * name and symlink name.
- * @return An instance of OSSTask. On successful execution, `task.result` will
- * contain an instance of `OSSGetSymlinkResult`,otherwise will contain
- * an instance of NSError.
- *
- * for more information,please refer to https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/45146.html
- */
- - (OSSTask *)getSymlink:(OSSGetSymlinkRequest *)request;
- /**
- * Restores the object of archive storage. The function is not applicable to
- * Normal or IA storage. The restoreObject() needs to be called prior to
- * calling getObject() on an archive object.
- *
- * @param request
- * A container for the necessary parameters to execute the RestoreObject
- * service method.
- *
- * @return An instance of OSSTask. On successful execution, `task.result` will
- * contain an instance of `OSSRestoreObjectResult`,otherwise will contain
- * an instance of NSError.
- *
- * for more information,please refer to https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/52930.html
- */
- - (OSSTask *)restoreObject:(OSSRestoreObjectRequest *)request;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (MultipartUpload)
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: InitiateMultipartUpload
- Initiates a multipart upload to get a upload Id. It's needed before starting uploading parts data.
- The upload Id is used for subsequential operations such as aborting the upload, querying the uploaded parts, etc.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)multipartUploadInit:(OSSInitMultipartUploadRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: UploadPart
- After the multipart upload is initiated, this API could be called to upload the data to the target file with the upload Id.
- Every uploaded part has a unique id called part number, which ranges from 1 to 10,000.
- For a given upload Id, the part number identifies the specific range of the data in the whole file.
- If the same part number is used for another upload, the existing data will be overwritten by the new upload.
- Except the last part, all other part's minimal size is 100KB.
- But no minimal size requirement on the last part.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)uploadPart:(OSSUploadPartRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: CompleteMultipartUpload
- This API is to complete the multipart upload after all parts data have been uploaded.
- It must be provided with a valid part list (each part has the part number and ETag).
- OSS will validate every part and then complete the multipart upload.
- If any part is invalid (e.g. the part is updated by another part upload), this API will fail.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)completeMultipartUpload:(OSSCompleteMultipartUploadRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: ListParts
- Lists all uploaded parts of the specified upload id.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)listParts:(OSSListPartsRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: ListMultipartUploads
- Lists all multipart uploads with the specified bucket.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)listMultipartUploads:(OSSListMultipartUploadsRequest *)request;
- /**
- The corresponding RESTFul API: AbortMultipartUpload
- Aborts the multipart upload by the specified upload Id.
- Once the multipart upload is aborted by this API, all parts data will be deleted and the upload Id is invalid anymore.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)abortMultipartUpload:(OSSAbortMultipartUploadRequest *)request;
- - (OSSTask *)abortResumableMultipartUpload:(OSSResumableUploadRequest *)request;
- /**
- Multipart upload API
- */
- - (OSSTask *)multipartUpload:(OSSMultipartUploadRequest *)request;
- /**
- Resumable upload API
- This API wraps the multipart upload and also enables resuming upload by reading/writing the checkpoint data.
- For a new file, multipartUploadInit() needs to be called first to get the upload Id. Then use this upload id to call this API to upload the data.
- If the upload fails, checks the error messages:
- If it's a recoverable error, then call this API again with the same upload Id to retry. The uploaded data will not be uploaded again.
- Otherwise then you may need to recreates a new upload Id and call this method again.
- Check out demo for the detail.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)resumableUpload:(OSSResumableUploadRequest *)request;
- /**
- * multipart upload sequentially in order,support resume upload
- */
- - (OSSTask *)sequentialMultipartUpload:(OSSResumableUploadRequest *)request;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (PresignURL)
- /**
- Generates a signed URL for the object and anyone has this URL will get the GET permission on the object.
- @bucketName object's bucket name
- @objectKey Object name
- @interval Expiration time in seconds. The URL could be specified with the expiration time to limit the access window on the object.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)presignConstrainURLWithBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName
- withObjectKey:(NSString *)objectKey
- withExpirationInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval;
- /**
- Generates a signed URL for the object and anyone has this URL will get the specified permission on the object.
- @bucketName object's bucket name
- @objectKey Object name
- @interval Expiration time in seconds. The URL could be specified with the expiration time to limit the access window on the object.
- @parameter it could specify allowed HTTP methods
- */
- - (OSSTask *)presignConstrainURLWithBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName
- withObjectKey:(NSString *)objectKey
- withExpirationInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval
- withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters;
- /**
- Generates a signed URL for the object and anyone has this URL will get the specified permission on the object. currently only support get and head method.
- @bucketName object's bucket name
- @objectKey Object name
- @httpMethod http method.currently only support get and head.
- @interval Expiration time in seconds. The URL could be specified with the expiration time to limit the access window on the object.
- @parameter it could specify allowed HTTP methods
- */
- - (OSSTask *)presignConstrainURLWithBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName
- withObjectKey:(NSString *)objectKey
- httpMethod:(NSString *)method
- withExpirationInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval
- withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters;
- /**
- If the object's ACL is public read or public read-write, use this API to generate a signed url for sharing.
- @bucketName Object's bucket name
- @objectKey Object name
- */
- - (OSSTask *)presignPublicURLWithBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName
- withObjectKey:(NSString *)objectKey;
- If the object's ACL is public read or public read-write, use this API to generate a signed url for sharing.
- @bucketName Object's bucket name
- @objectKey Object name
- @parameter the request parameters.
- */
- - (OSSTask *)presignPublicURLWithBucketName:(NSString *)bucketName
- withObjectKey:(NSString *)objectKey
- withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (ImageService)
- /*
- * image persist action
- * https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/55811.html
- */
- - (OSSTask *)imageActionPersist:(OSSImagePersistRequest *)request;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (Utilities)
- /**
- Checks if the object exists
- @bucketName Object's bucket name
- @objectKey Object name
- return YES Object exists
- return NO && *error = nil Object does not exist
- return NO && *error != nil Error occured.
- */
- - (BOOL)doesObjectExistInBucket:(NSString *)bucketName
- objectKey:(NSString *)objectKey
- error:(const NSError **)error;
- @end
- @interface OSSClient (Callback)
- - (OSSTask *)triggerCallBack:(OSSCallBackRequest *)request;
- @end