# UPYUN Core An UPYun Node.js SDK, using `request` and `async`. Which Provides By Simple API Invoke: * File Upload, Download * Directory Create, Remove, Destroy(Recursively Remove) * Entity Inspection, List Directory * CDN Cache Purge ## Install ``` npm install upyun-core ``` ## Usage ``` // require var UPYUN = require('upyun-core'); var upyun = new UPYUN('bucket_name', 'user', 'pass'); // all the callbacks looks like function(err[, data]){ if (err) { // Do error handling } else { // Success } } ``` ## Methods ### writeFile(path, buffer, cb) `// callback: function(err){}` Write(Upload) `buffer` Content Up To The Given `path`. According To The Official Documentation, The Directory Depth Levels Of `path` Should Not Large Than 10. The `path` will be built automatically, like `mkdir -p path`. ``` upyun.writeFile(path, 'Node.js_Buffer_OR_String', cb); ``` ### fetchFile(path, cb) `// callback: function(err, contents){}` Fetch(Download) `contents` From The Given `path`. ``` upyun.fetchFile(path, function(err, contents){ if (err) { // Do error handling } else { // contents will be String or Buffer } }); ``` ### removeFile(path, cb) `// callback: function(err){}` Remove(Delete) The Certain File From The Given `path`. ``` upyun.removeFile(path, cb); ``` ### createDirs(path, cb) `// callback: function(err){}` Create The `path`. According To The Official Documentation, The Directory Depth Levels Of `path` Should Not Large Than 10. The `path` will be built automatically, like `mkdir -p path`. ``` upyun.createDirs(path, cb); ``` ### removeDir(path, cb) `// callback: function(err){}` Remove(Delete) An **EMPTY** Directory By Given `path`. ``` upyun.removeDir(path, cb); ``` ### destroyDir(path, callback) `// callback: function(err){}` Recursively Remove The Given Path(Directory). Before Call This Method, Make Sure To Set "upyun.iDOReallyWantToDestroyDirectories" To true Every Time You Call This. ``` upyun.iDOReallyWantToDestroyDirectories = true; upyun.destroyDir(path_you_really_want_to_destroy, cb); ``` ### Introducing Data Structure Of An `entity` ``` var entity = { 'path': '/storage/images/some_hash.jpg', // the full path of the file or directory 'name': 'some_hash.jpg', // the base name with the file extension name 'time': '1397211136', // the unix timestamp of file last modified 'size': '438112', // the file size in bytes 'type': 'file | folder' // UPYUN.TYPES.FILE | UPYUN.TYPES.FOLDER }; ``` ### inspect(path, cb) `// callback: function(err, entity){}` Inspect The Entity Of The Given `path`. ``` upyun.inspect(path, cb); ``` ### listDir(path, cb) `// callback: function(err, an_array_of_entities){}` List A Certain Directory By The Given `path`. ``` upyun.listDir(path, cb); ``` ### bucketUsage(callback) `// callback: function(err, bytesUsed){}` Get The Total Bytes Used By This Bucket. ``` upyun.bucketUsage(cb); ``` ### setHost(hostIndex) `// no callback` ### purge(an_array_of_urls, cb) `// callback: function(err, an_array_of_invalid_urls){}` To Purge The CDN Cache Of Online Resources. ``` upyun.purge([url1, url2, url3], cb); ``` There are 4 hosts of UPYUN HTTP REST API, choose one of them.