"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; var _getIterator2 = require("babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator"); var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2); var _classCallCheck2 = require("babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck"); var _classCallCheck3 = _interopRequireDefault(_classCallCheck2); var _babelTraverse = require("babel-traverse"); var _babelHelperReplaceSupers = require("babel-helper-replace-supers"); var _babelHelperReplaceSupers2 = _interopRequireDefault(_babelHelperReplaceSupers); var _babelHelperOptimiseCallExpression = require("babel-helper-optimise-call-expression"); var _babelHelperOptimiseCallExpression2 = _interopRequireDefault(_babelHelperOptimiseCallExpression); var _babelHelperDefineMap = require("babel-helper-define-map"); var defineMap = _interopRequireWildcard(_babelHelperDefineMap); var _babelTemplate = require("babel-template"); var _babelTemplate2 = _interopRequireDefault(_babelTemplate); var _babelTypes = require("babel-types"); var t = _interopRequireWildcard(_babelTypes); function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var buildDerivedConstructor = (0, _babelTemplate2.default)("\n (function () {\n super(...arguments);\n })\n"); var noMethodVisitor = { "FunctionExpression|FunctionDeclaration": function FunctionExpressionFunctionDeclaration(path) { if (!path.is("shadow")) { path.skip(); } }, Method: function Method(path) { path.skip(); } }; var verifyConstructorVisitor = _babelTraverse.visitors.merge([noMethodVisitor, { Super: function Super(path) { if (this.isDerived && !this.hasBareSuper && !path.parentPath.isCallExpression({ callee: path.node })) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("'super.*' is not allowed before super()"); } }, CallExpression: { exit: function exit(path) { if (path.get("callee").isSuper()) { this.hasBareSuper = true; if (!this.isDerived) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("super() is only allowed in a derived constructor"); } } } }, ThisExpression: function ThisExpression(path) { if (this.isDerived && !this.hasBareSuper) { if (!path.inShadow("this")) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("'this' is not allowed before super()"); } } } }]); var findThisesVisitor = _babelTraverse.visitors.merge([noMethodVisitor, { ThisExpression: function ThisExpression(path) { this.superThises.push(path); } }]); var ClassTransformer = function () { function ClassTransformer(path, file) { (0, _classCallCheck3.default)(this, ClassTransformer); this.parent = path.parent; this.scope = path.scope; this.node = path.node; this.path = path; this.file = file; this.clearDescriptors(); this.instancePropBody = []; this.instancePropRefs = {}; this.staticPropBody = []; this.body = []; this.bareSuperAfter = []; this.bareSupers = []; this.pushedConstructor = false; this.pushedInherits = false; this.isLoose = false; this.superThises = []; this.classId = this.node.id; this.classRef = this.node.id ? t.identifier(this.node.id.name) : this.scope.generateUidIdentifier("class"); this.superName = this.node.superClass || t.identifier("Function"); this.isDerived = !!this.node.superClass; } ClassTransformer.prototype.run = function run() { var _this = this; var superName = this.superName; var file = this.file; var body = this.body; var constructorBody = this.constructorBody = t.blockStatement([]); this.constructor = this.buildConstructor(); var closureParams = []; var closureArgs = []; if (this.isDerived) { closureArgs.push(superName); superName = this.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(superName); closureParams.push(superName); this.superName = superName; } this.buildBody(); constructorBody.body.unshift(t.expressionStatement(t.callExpression(file.addHelper("classCallCheck"), [t.thisExpression(), this.classRef]))); body = body.concat(this.staticPropBody.map(function (fn) { return fn(_this.classRef); })); if (this.classId) { if (body.length === 1) return t.toExpression(body[0]); } body.push(t.returnStatement(this.classRef)); var container = t.functionExpression(null, closureParams, t.blockStatement(body)); container.shadow = true; return t.callExpression(container, closureArgs); }; ClassTransformer.prototype.buildConstructor = function buildConstructor() { var func = t.functionDeclaration(this.classRef, [], this.constructorBody); t.inherits(func, this.node); return func; }; ClassTransformer.prototype.pushToMap = function pushToMap(node, enumerable) { var kind = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? "value" : arguments[2]; var scope = arguments[3]; var mutatorMap = void 0; if (node.static) { this.hasStaticDescriptors = true; mutatorMap = this.staticMutatorMap; } else { this.hasInstanceDescriptors = true; mutatorMap = this.instanceMutatorMap; } var map = defineMap.push(mutatorMap, node, kind, this.file, scope); if (enumerable) { map.enumerable = t.booleanLiteral(true); } return map; }; ClassTransformer.prototype.constructorMeMaybe = function constructorMeMaybe() { var hasConstructor = false; var paths = this.path.get("body.body"); for (var _iterator = paths, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator);;) { var _ref; if (_isArray) { if (_i >= _iterator.length) break; _ref = _iterator[_i++]; } else { _i = _iterator.next(); if (_i.done) break; _ref = _i.value; } var path = _ref; hasConstructor = path.equals("kind", "constructor"); if (hasConstructor) break; } if (hasConstructor) return; var params = void 0, body = void 0; if (this.isDerived) { var _constructor = buildDerivedConstructor().expression; params = _constructor.params; body = _constructor.body; } else { params = []; body = t.blockStatement([]); } this.path.get("body").unshiftContainer("body", t.classMethod("constructor", t.identifier("constructor"), params, body)); }; ClassTransformer.prototype.buildBody = function buildBody() { this.constructorMeMaybe(); this.pushBody(); this.verifyConstructor(); if (this.userConstructor) { var constructorBody = this.constructorBody; constructorBody.body = constructorBody.body.concat(this.userConstructor.body.body); t.inherits(this.constructor, this.userConstructor); t.inherits(constructorBody, this.userConstructor.body); } this.pushDescriptors(); }; ClassTransformer.prototype.pushBody = function pushBody() { var classBodyPaths = this.path.get("body.body"); for (var _iterator2 = classBodyPaths, _isArray2 = Array.isArray(_iterator2), _i2 = 0, _iterator2 = _isArray2 ? _iterator2 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator2);;) { var _ref2; if (_isArray2) { if (_i2 >= _iterator2.length) break; _ref2 = _iterator2[_i2++]; } else { _i2 = _iterator2.next(); if (_i2.done) break; _ref2 = _i2.value; } var path = _ref2; var node = path.node; if (path.isClassProperty()) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Missing class properties transform."); } if (node.decorators) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Method has decorators, put the decorator plugin before the classes one."); } if (t.isClassMethod(node)) { var isConstructor = node.kind === "constructor"; if (isConstructor) { path.traverse(verifyConstructorVisitor, this); if (!this.hasBareSuper && this.isDerived) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("missing super() call in constructor"); } } var replaceSupers = new _babelHelperReplaceSupers2.default({ forceSuperMemoisation: isConstructor, methodPath: path, methodNode: node, objectRef: this.classRef, superRef: this.superName, isStatic: node.static, isLoose: this.isLoose, scope: this.scope, file: this.file }, true); replaceSupers.replace(); if (isConstructor) { this.pushConstructor(replaceSupers, node, path); } else { this.pushMethod(node, path); } } } }; ClassTransformer.prototype.clearDescriptors = function clearDescriptors() { this.hasInstanceDescriptors = false; this.hasStaticDescriptors = false; this.instanceMutatorMap = {}; this.staticMutatorMap = {}; }; ClassTransformer.prototype.pushDescriptors = function pushDescriptors() { this.pushInherits(); var body = this.body; var instanceProps = void 0; var staticProps = void 0; if (this.hasInstanceDescriptors) { instanceProps = defineMap.toClassObject(this.instanceMutatorMap); } if (this.hasStaticDescriptors) { staticProps = defineMap.toClassObject(this.staticMutatorMap); } if (instanceProps || staticProps) { if (instanceProps) instanceProps = defineMap.toComputedObjectFromClass(instanceProps); if (staticProps) staticProps = defineMap.toComputedObjectFromClass(staticProps); var nullNode = t.nullLiteral(); var args = [this.classRef, nullNode, nullNode, nullNode, nullNode]; if (instanceProps) args[1] = instanceProps; if (staticProps) args[2] = staticProps; if (this.instanceInitializersId) { args[3] = this.instanceInitializersId; body.unshift(this.buildObjectAssignment(this.instanceInitializersId)); } if (this.staticInitializersId) { args[4] = this.staticInitializersId; body.unshift(this.buildObjectAssignment(this.staticInitializersId)); } var lastNonNullIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i] !== nullNode) lastNonNullIndex = i; } args = args.slice(0, lastNonNullIndex + 1); body.push(t.expressionStatement(t.callExpression(this.file.addHelper("createClass"), args))); } this.clearDescriptors(); }; ClassTransformer.prototype.buildObjectAssignment = function buildObjectAssignment(id) { return t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(id, t.objectExpression([]))]); }; ClassTransformer.prototype.wrapSuperCall = function wrapSuperCall(bareSuper, superRef, thisRef, body) { var bareSuperNode = bareSuper.node; if (this.isLoose) { bareSuperNode.arguments.unshift(t.thisExpression()); if (bareSuperNode.arguments.length === 2 && t.isSpreadElement(bareSuperNode.arguments[1]) && t.isIdentifier(bareSuperNode.arguments[1].argument, { name: "arguments" })) { bareSuperNode.arguments[1] = bareSuperNode.arguments[1].argument; bareSuperNode.callee = t.memberExpression(superRef, t.identifier("apply")); } else { bareSuperNode.callee = t.memberExpression(superRef, t.identifier("call")); } } else { bareSuperNode = (0, _babelHelperOptimiseCallExpression2.default)(t.logicalExpression("||", t.memberExpression(this.classRef, t.identifier("__proto__")), t.callExpression(t.memberExpression(t.identifier("Object"), t.identifier("getPrototypeOf")), [this.classRef])), t.thisExpression(), bareSuperNode.arguments); } var call = t.callExpression(this.file.addHelper("possibleConstructorReturn"), [t.thisExpression(), bareSuperNode]); var bareSuperAfter = this.bareSuperAfter.map(function (fn) { return fn(thisRef); }); if (bareSuper.parentPath.isExpressionStatement() && bareSuper.parentPath.container === body.node.body && body.node.body.length - 1 === bareSuper.parentPath.key) { if (this.superThises.length || bareSuperAfter.length) { bareSuper.scope.push({ id: thisRef }); call = t.assignmentExpression("=", thisRef, call); } if (bareSuperAfter.length) { call = t.toSequenceExpression([call].concat(bareSuperAfter, [thisRef])); } bareSuper.parentPath.replaceWith(t.returnStatement(call)); } else { bareSuper.replaceWithMultiple([t.variableDeclaration("var", [t.variableDeclarator(thisRef, call)])].concat(bareSuperAfter, [t.expressionStatement(thisRef)])); } }; ClassTransformer.prototype.verifyConstructor = function verifyConstructor() { var _this2 = this; if (!this.isDerived) return; var path = this.userConstructorPath; var body = path.get("body"); path.traverse(findThisesVisitor, this); var guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish = !!this.bareSupers.length; var superRef = this.superName || t.identifier("Function"); var thisRef = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("this"); for (var _iterator3 = this.bareSupers, _isArray3 = Array.isArray(_iterator3), _i3 = 0, _iterator3 = _isArray3 ? _iterator3 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator3);;) { var _ref3; if (_isArray3) { if (_i3 >= _iterator3.length) break; _ref3 = _iterator3[_i3++]; } else { _i3 = _iterator3.next(); if (_i3.done) break; _ref3 = _i3.value; } var bareSuper = _ref3; this.wrapSuperCall(bareSuper, superRef, thisRef, body); if (guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish) { bareSuper.find(function (parentPath) { if (parentPath === path) { return true; } if (parentPath.isLoop() || parentPath.isConditional()) { guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish = false; return true; } }); } } for (var _iterator4 = this.superThises, _isArray4 = Array.isArray(_iterator4), _i4 = 0, _iterator4 = _isArray4 ? _iterator4 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator4);;) { var _ref4; if (_isArray4) { if (_i4 >= _iterator4.length) break; _ref4 = _iterator4[_i4++]; } else { _i4 = _iterator4.next(); if (_i4.done) break; _ref4 = _i4.value; } var thisPath = _ref4; thisPath.replaceWith(thisRef); } var wrapReturn = function wrapReturn(returnArg) { return t.callExpression(_this2.file.addHelper("possibleConstructorReturn"), [thisRef].concat(returnArg || [])); }; var bodyPaths = body.get("body"); if (bodyPaths.length && !bodyPaths.pop().isReturnStatement()) { body.pushContainer("body", t.returnStatement(guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish ? thisRef : wrapReturn())); } for (var _iterator5 = this.superReturns, _isArray5 = Array.isArray(_iterator5), _i5 = 0, _iterator5 = _isArray5 ? _iterator5 : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator5);;) { var _ref5; if (_isArray5) { if (_i5 >= _iterator5.length) break; _ref5 = _iterator5[_i5++]; } else { _i5 = _iterator5.next(); if (_i5.done) break; _ref5 = _i5.value; } var returnPath = _ref5; if (returnPath.node.argument) { var ref = returnPath.scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("ret"); returnPath.get("argument").replaceWithMultiple([t.assignmentExpression("=", ref, returnPath.node.argument), wrapReturn(ref)]); } else { returnPath.get("argument").replaceWith(wrapReturn()); } } }; ClassTransformer.prototype.pushMethod = function pushMethod(node, path) { var scope = path ? path.scope : this.scope; if (node.kind === "method") { if (this._processMethod(node, scope)) return; } this.pushToMap(node, false, null, scope); }; ClassTransformer.prototype._processMethod = function _processMethod() { return false; }; ClassTransformer.prototype.pushConstructor = function pushConstructor(replaceSupers, method, path) { this.bareSupers = replaceSupers.bareSupers; this.superReturns = replaceSupers.returns; if (path.scope.hasOwnBinding(this.classRef.name)) { path.scope.rename(this.classRef.name); } var construct = this.constructor; this.userConstructorPath = path; this.userConstructor = method; this.hasConstructor = true; t.inheritsComments(construct, method); construct._ignoreUserWhitespace = true; construct.params = method.params; t.inherits(construct.body, method.body); construct.body.directives = method.body.directives; this._pushConstructor(); }; ClassTransformer.prototype._pushConstructor = function _pushConstructor() { if (this.pushedConstructor) return; this.pushedConstructor = true; if (this.hasInstanceDescriptors || this.hasStaticDescriptors) { this.pushDescriptors(); } this.body.push(this.constructor); this.pushInherits(); }; ClassTransformer.prototype.pushInherits = function pushInherits() { if (!this.isDerived || this.pushedInherits) return; this.pushedInherits = true; this.body.unshift(t.expressionStatement(t.callExpression(this.file.addHelper("inherits"), [this.classRef, this.superName]))); }; return ClassTransformer; }(); exports.default = ClassTransformer; module.exports = exports["default"];