/*! * Cluster - Master * Copyright(c) 2011 LearnBoost * MIT Licensed */ /** * Module dependencies. */ var Worker = require('./worker') , EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter , dirname = require('path').dirname , spawn = require('child_process').spawn , utils = require('./utils') , fsBinding = process.binding('fs') , netBinding = process.binding('net') , bind = netBinding.bind , listen = netBinding.listen , socket = netBinding.socket , socketpair = netBinding.socketpair , close = netBinding.close , unlink = fsBinding.unlink , dgram = require('dgram') , tty = require('tty') , net = require('net') , fs = require('fs') , os = require('os'); /** * Node binary. */ var node = process.execPath; /** * Start a new `Master` with the given `server` or filename to * a node module exporting a server. * * Options: * * - `workers` Number of workers to spawn, defaults to the number of CPUs * - 'working directory` Working directory defaulting to the script's dir * - 'backlog` Connection backlog, defaulting to 128 * - 'socket port` Master socket port defaulting to `8989` * - 'timeout` Worker shutdown timeout in milliseconds, defaulting to 60,000 * - 'user` User id / name * - 'group` Group id / name * - `title` Master process title, defaults to "cluster master" * - `worker title` Worker process title, defaults to "cluster worker {n}" * * Events: * * - `start`. When the IPC server is prepped * - `worker`. When a worker is spawned, passing the `worker` * - `listening`. When the server is listening for connections * - `closing`. When master is shutting down * - `close`. When master has completed shutting down * - `worker killed`. When a worker has died * - `worker exception`. Worker uncaughtException. Receives the worker / exception * - `worker removed`. Worker removed via `spawn(-n)` * - `kill`. When a `signal` is being sent to all workers * - `restarting`. Restart requested by REPL or signal. Receives an object * which can be patched in order to preserve plugin state. * - `restart`. Restart complete, new master established, previous died. * Receives an object with state preserved by the `restarting` event. * * Signals: * * - `SIGINT` hard shutdown * - `SIGTERM` hard shutdown * - `SIGQUIT` graceful shutdown * - `SIGUSR2` graceful restart * * @param {net.Server|String} server * @return {Master} * @api public */ var Master = module.exports = function Master(server) { var self = this; this.server = server; this.plugins = []; this.children = []; this.state = 'active'; this.startup = new Date; this._killed = 0; // grab server root this.cmd = process.argv.slice(1); this.dir = dirname(this.cmd[0]); // environment this.env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; // defaults this.options = { 'backlog': 128 , 'working directory': this.dir , 'socket port': 8989 , 'socket addr': '' , 'timeout': 60000 , 'restart threshold': 'development' == this.env ? 5000 : 60000 , 'restart timeout': 'development' == this.env ? 5000 : 60000 , 'title': 'cluster' , 'worker title': 'cluster worker' }; // parent master pid this.ppid = process.env.CLUSTER_PARENT_PID ? parseInt(process.env.CLUSTER_PARENT_PID, 10) : null; // process is a worker this.isWorker = !! process.env.CLUSTER_MASTER_PID; // process is a child (worker or master replacement) this.isChild = this.isWorker || !! process.env.CLUSTER_REPLACEMENT_MASTER; // process is master this.isMaster = ! this.isWorker; // process id this.pid = process.pid; if (this.isMaster) process.env.CLUSTER_MASTER_PID = this.pid; // custom worker fds, defaults to std{out,err} this.customFds = [1, 2]; // resolve server filename if (this.isWorker && 'string' == typeof this.server) { this.server = require(this.resolve(this.server)); } // IPC is prepped this.on('start', function(){ process.chdir(self.options['working directory']); }); // spawn our workers this.on('listening', function(){ self.spawn(self.options.workers); self.listening = true; }); // kill children on master exception if (this.isMaster) { process.on('uncaughtException', function(err){ self.kill('SIGKILL'); console.error(err.stack || String(err)); process.exit(1); }); } }; /** * Interit from `EventEmitter.prototype`. */ Master.prototype.__proto__ = EventEmitter.prototype; /** * Worker is a receiver. */ require('./mixins/receiver')(Master.prototype); /** * Resolve `path` relative to the server file being executed. * * @param {String} path * @return {String} * @api public */ Master.prototype.resolve = function(path){ return '/' == path[0] ? path : this.dir + '/' + path; }; /** * Return `true` when the environment set by `Master#in()` * matches __NODE_ENV__. * * @return {Boolean} * @api private */ Master.prototype.__defineGetter__('environmentMatches', function(){ if (this._env) return this.env == this._env || 'all' == this._env; return true; }); /** * Invoke masters's `method` with worker `id`. (called from Worker) * * @param {Number} id * @param {String} method * @param {...} args * @api private */ Master.prototype.call = function(id, method){ this.sock = this.sock || dgram.createSocket('udp4'); var msg = new Buffer(utils.frame({ args: utils.toArray(arguments, 2) , method: method , id: id })); this.sock.send( msg , 0 , msg.length , this.options['socket port'] , this.options['socket addr']); }; /** * Perform setup tasks then invoke `fn()` when present. * * @param {Function} fn * @return {Master} for chaining * @api public */ Master.prototype.start = function(fn){ var self = this; // deferred title process.title = this.options.title; // prevent listen if (this.preventDefault) return this; // env match if (this.environmentMatches) { // worker process if (this.isWorker) { this.worker = new Worker(this); this.worker.start(); // master process } else if (fn) { fn(); // standalone } else { this.on('start', function(){ self.emit('listening'); }); if (this.isChild) this.acceptFd(); this.setupIPC(); } } return this; }; /** * Defer `http.Server#listen()` call. * * @param {Number|String} port or unix domain socket path * @param {String|Function} host or callback * @param {Function} callback * @return {Master} for chaining * @api public */ Master.prototype.listen = function(port, host, callback){ var self = this; if (!this.environmentMatches) return this; if ('function' == typeof host) callback = host, host = null; this.port = port; this.host = host; this.callback = callback; return this.start(function(){ self.on('start', function(){ self.startListening(!self.isChild); }); if (self.isChild) { self.acceptFd(); } else { self.createSocket(function(err, fd){ if (err) throw err; self.fd = fd; self.setupIPC(); }); } }); }; /** * Create / return IPC socket. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.IPCSocket = function(){ var self = this; if (this._sock) return this._sock; this._sock = dgram.createSocket('udp4'); this._sock.on('message', function(msg, info){ try { msg = JSON.parse(msg.toString('ascii')); self.invoke(msg.method, msg.args, self.children[msg.id]); } catch (err) { console.error(err.stack || String(err)); } }); return this._sock; }; /** * Setup IPC. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.setupIPC = function(){ var self = this; // signal handlers this.registerSignalHandlers(); // Default worker to the # of cpus this.defaultWorkers(); // udp server for IPC this.IPCSocket().on('listening', function(){ process.nextTick(function(){ self.emit('start'); }); }); // bind this.IPCSocket().bind( this.options['socket port'] , this.options['socket addr']); }; /** * Conditionally perform the following action, if * __NODE_ENV__ matches `env`. * * Examples: * * cluster(server) * .in('development').use(cluster.debug()) * .in('development').listen(3000) * .in('production').listen(80); * * @param {String} env * @return {Master} self or stubs * @api public */ Master.prototype.in = function(env){ this._env = env; return this; }; /** * Set option `key` to `val`. * * @param {String} key * @param {Mixed} val * @return {Master} for chaining * @api public */ Master.prototype.set = function(key, val){ if (this.environmentMatches) this.options[key] = val; return this; }; /** * Invoke `fn(master)`. * * @param {Function} fn * @api public */ Master.prototype.do = function(fn){ if (this.environmentMatches) fn.call(this, this); return this; }; /** * Check if `option` has been set. * * @param {String} option * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ Master.prototype.has = function(option){ return !! this.options[option]; }; /** * Use the given `plugin`. * * @param {Function} plugin * @return {Master} for chaining * @api public */ Master.prototype.use = function(plugin){ if (this.environmentMatches) { this.plugins.push(plugin); if (this.isWorker) { plugin.enableInWorker && plugin(this); } else { plugin(this); } } return this; }; /** * Create listening socket and callback `fn(err, fd)`. * * @return {Function} fn * @api private */ Master.prototype.createSocket = function(fn){ var self = this , ipv; // explicit host if (this.host) { // ip if (ipv = net.isIP(this.host)) { fn(null, socket('tcp' + ipv)); // lookup } else { require('dns').lookup(this.host, function(err, ip, ipv){ if (err) return fn(err); self.host = ip; fn(null, socket('tcp' + ipv)); }); } // local socket } else if ('string' == typeof this.port) { fn(null, socket('unix')); // only port } else if ('number' == typeof this.port) { fn(null, socket('tcp4')); } }; /** * Register signal handlers. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.registerSignalHandlers = function(){ var self = this; process.on('SIGINT', this.destroy.bind(this)); process.on('SIGTERM', this.destroy.bind(this)); process.on('SIGQUIT', this.close.bind(this)); process.on('SIGUSR2', this.attemptRestart.bind(this)); process.on('SIGCHLD', this.maintainWorkerCount.bind(this)); }; /** * Default workers to the number of cpus available. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.defaultWorkers = function(){ if (!this.has('workers')) { this.set('workers', os ? os.cpus().length : 1); } }; /** * Restart workers only, sending `signal` defaulting * to __SIGQUIT__. * * @param {Type} name * @return {Type} * @api public */ Master.prototype.restartWorkers = function(signal){ this.kill(signal || 'SIGQUIT'); }; /** * Maintain worker count, re-spawning if necessary. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.maintainWorkerCount = function(){ this.children.forEach(function(worker){ var pid = worker.proc.pid; if (!pid) this.workerKilled(worker); }, this); }; /** * Remove `n` workers with `signal` * defaulting to __SIGQUIT__. * * @param {Number} n * @param {String} signal * @api public */ Master.prototype.remove = function(n, signal){ if (!arguments.length) n = 1; var len = this.children.length , worker; // cap at worker len if (n > len) n = len; // remove the workers while (n--) { worker = this.children.pop(); worker.proc.kill(signal || 'SIGQUIT'); this.emit('worker removed', worker); this.removeWorker(worker.id); } }; /** * Remove worker `id`. * * @param {Number} id * @api public */ Master.prototype.removeWorker = function(id){ var worker = this.children[id]; if (!worker) return; if (worker.fds) { close(worker.fds[0]); close(worker.fds[1]); } delete this.children[id]; }; /** * Spawn `n` workers. * * @param {Number} n * @api public */ Master.prototype.spawn = function(n){ if (!arguments.length) n = 1; while (n--) this.spawnWorker(); }; /** * Spawn a worker with optional `id`. * * @param {Number} id * @return {Worker} * @api private */ Master.prototype.spawnWorker = function(id){ var worker; // id given if ('number' == typeof id) { worker = new Worker(this).spawn(id) this.children[id] = worker; worker.id = id; // generate an id } else { worker = new Worker(this).spawn(this.children.length); this.children.push(worker); } var obj = { method: 'connect' , args: [worker.id, this.options] }; worker.sock.write(utils.frame(obj), 'ascii', this.fd); // emit this.emit('worker', worker); return worker; }; /** * Graceful shutdown, wait for all workers * to reply before exiting. * * @api public */ Master.prototype.close = function(){ this.state = 'graceful shutdown'; this.emit('closing'); this.kill('SIGQUIT'); this.pendingDeaths = this.children.length; }; /** * Hard shutdwn, immediately kill all workers. * * @api public */ Master.prototype.destroy = function(){ this.state = 'hard shutdown'; this.emit('closing'); this.kill('SIGKILL'); this._destroy(); }; /** * Attempt restart, while respecting the `restart threshold` * setting, to help prevent recursive restarts. * * @param {String} sig * @api private */ Master.prototype.attemptRestart = function(sig){ var uptime = new Date - this.startup , threshold = this.options['restart threshold'] , timeout = this.options['restart timeout']; if (this.__restarting) return; if (uptime < threshold) { this.__restarting = true; this.emit('cyclic restart'); setTimeout(function(self){ self.restart(sig); }, timeout, this); } else { this.restart(sig); } }; /** * Restart all workers, by sending __SIGQUIT__ * or `sig` to them, enabling master to re-spawn. * * @param {String} sig * @return {ChildProcess} replacement master process * @api public */ Master.prototype.restart = function(sig){ var data = {} , proc = this.spawnMaster(); // pass object to plugins, allowing them // to patch it, and utilize the data in // the new Master this.emit('restarting', data); proc.sock.write(utils.frame({ method: 'connectMaster' , args: [sig || 'SIGQUIT'] }), 'ascii', this.fd); this.on('close', function(){ proc.sock.write(utils.frame({ method: 'masterKilled' , args: [data] }), 'ascii'); }); return proc; }; /** * Spawn a new master process. * * @return {ChildProcess} * @api private */ Master.prototype.spawnMaster = function(){ var fds = socketpair() , customFds = [fds[0], 1, 2] , env = {}; // merge current env for (var key in process.env) { env[key] = process.env[key]; } delete env.CLUSTER_MASTER_PID; env.CLUSTER_REPLACEMENT_MASTER = 1; env.CLUSTER_PARENT_PID = this.pid; // spawn new master process var proc = spawn(node, this.cmd, { customFds: customFds , env: env }); // unix domain socket for ICP + fd passing proc.sock = new net.Socket(fds[1], 'unix'); return proc; }; /** * Master replacement connected. * * @param {String} sig * @api private */ Master.prototype.connectMaster = function(sig){ var self = this; function kill(){ process.kill(self.ppid, sig); } if (this.listening) return kill(); this.on('listening', kill); }; /** * Original master has died aka 'retired', * we now fire the 'restart' event. * * @param {Object} data * @api private */ Master.prototype.masterKilled = function(data){ this.emit('restart', data); }; /** * Accept fd from parent master, then `setupIPC()`. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.acceptFd = function(){ var self = this , stdin = new net.Socket(0, 'unix'); // set fd and start master stdin.setEncoding('ascii'); stdin.on('fd', function(fd){ self.fd = fd; self.setupIPC(); }); // frame commands from the parent master stdin.on('data', this.frame.bind(this)); stdin.resume(); }; /** * Close servers and emit 'close' before exiting. * * @api private */ Master.prototype._destroy = function(){ this.IPCSocket().close(); if (this.fd) close(this.fd); this.emit('close'); process.nextTick(process.exit.bind(process)); }; /** * Worker is connected. * * @param {Worker} worker * @api private */ Master.prototype.connect = function(worker){ this.emit('worker connected', worker); }; /** * Start listening, when `shouldBind` is `true` the socket * will be bound, and will start listening for connections. * * @param {Boolean} shouldBind * @api private */ Master.prototype.startListening = function(shouldBind){ var self = this; // remove unix domain socket if ('string' == typeof this.port && shouldBind) { fs.unlink(this.port, function(err){ if (err && 'ENOENT' != err.code) throw err; startListening(); }); } else { startListening(); } // bind / listen function startListening() { if (shouldBind) { try { bind(self.fd, self.port, self.host); listen(self.fd, self.options.backlog); } catch(e) { self.kill('SIGKILL'); throw e; } } self.callback && self.callback(); self.emit('listening'); } }; /** * The given `worker` has been killed. * Emit the "worker killed" event, remove * the worker, and re-spawn depending on * the master state. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.workerKilled = function(worker){ // if we have many failing workers at boot // then we likely have a serious issue. if (new Date - this.startup < 20000) { if (++this._killed == 20) { console.error(''); console.error('Cluster detected over 20 worker deaths in the first'); console.error('20 seconds of life, there is most likely'); console.error('a serious issue with your server.'); console.error(''); console.error('aborting.'); console.error(''); process.exit(1); } } // emit event this.emit('worker killed', worker); // always remove worker this.removeWorker(worker.id); // state specifics switch (this.state) { case 'hard shutdown': break; case 'graceful shutdown': --this.pendingDeaths || this._destroy(); break; default: this.spawnWorker(worker.id); } }; /** * `worker` received exception `err`. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.workerException = function(worker, err){ this.emit('worker exception', worker, err); }; /** * Received worker timeout. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.workerTimeout = function(worker, timeout){ this.emit('worker timeout', worker, timeout); }; /** * Worker waiting on `connections` to close. * * @api private */ Master.prototype.workerWaiting = function(worker, connections){ this.emit('worker waiting', worker, connections); }; /** * Send `sig` to all worker processes, defaults to __SIGTERM__. * * @param {String} sig * @api public */ Master.prototype.kill = function(sig){ var self = this; this.emit('kill', sig); this.children.forEach(function(worker){ worker.proc.kill(sig); }); };