/** * The default built-in validator error messages. These may be customized. * * // customize within each schema or globally like so * var mongoose = require('mongoose'); * mongoose.Error.messages.String.enum = "Your custom message for {PATH}."; * * As you might have noticed, error messages support basic templating * * - `{PATH}` is replaced with the invalid document path * - `{VALUE}` is replaced with the invalid value * - `{TYPE}` is replaced with the validator type such as "regexp", "min", or "user defined" * - `{MIN}` is replaced with the declared min value for the Number.min validator * - `{MAX}` is replaced with the declared max value for the Number.max validator * * Click the "show code" link below to see all defaults. * * @property messages * @receiver MongooseError * @api public */ var msg = module.exports = exports = {}; msg.general = {}; msg.general.default = "Validator failed for path `{PATH}` with value `{VALUE}`"; msg.general.required = "Path `{PATH}` is required."; msg.Number = {}; msg.Number.min = "Path `{PATH}` ({VALUE}) is less than minimum allowed value ({MIN})."; msg.Number.max = "Path `{PATH}` ({VALUE}) is more than maximum allowed value ({MAX})."; msg.Date = {}; msg.Date.min = "Path `{PATH}` ({VALUE}) is before minimum allowed value ({MIN})."; msg.Date.max = "Path `{PATH}` ({VALUE}) is after maximum allowed value ({MAX})."; msg.String = {}; msg.String.enum = "`{VALUE}` is not a valid enum value for path `{PATH}`."; msg.String.match = "Path `{PATH}` is invalid ({VALUE})."; msg.String.minlength = "Path `{PATH}` (`{VALUE}`) is shorter than the minimum allowed length ({MINLENGTH})."; msg.String.maxlength = "Path `{PATH}` (`{VALUE}`) is longer than the maximum allowed length ({MAXLENGTH}).";