/** * Test dependencies. */ var mpath = require('../') var assert = require('assert') /** * logging helper */ function log (o) { console.log(); console.log(require('util').inspect(o, false, 1000)); } /** * special path for override tests */ var special = '_doc'; /** * Tests */ describe('mpath', function(){ /** * test doc creator */ function doc () { var o = { first: { second: { third: [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] }}}; o.comments = [ { name: 'one' } , { name: 'two', _doc: { name: '2' }} , { name: 'three' , comments: [{},{ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]}] , _doc: { name: '3', comments: [{},{ _doc: { comments: [{ val: 2 }] }}] }} ]; o.name = 'jiro'; o.array = [ { o: { array: [{x: {b: [4,6,8]}}, { y: 10} ] }} , { o: { array: [{x: {b: [1,2,3]}}, { x: {z: 10 }}, { x: {b: 'hi'}}] }} , { o: { array: [{x: {b: null }}, { x: { b: [null, 1]}}] }} , { o: { array: [{x: null }] }} , { o: { array: [{y: 3 }] }} , { o: { array: [3, 0, null] }} , { o: { name: 'ha' }} ]; o.arr = [ { arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true } ] return o; } describe('get', function(){ var o = doc(); it('`path` must be a string or array', function(done){ assert.throws(function () { mpath.get({}, o); }, /Must be either string or array/); assert.throws(function () { mpath.get(4, o); }, /Must be either string or array/); assert.throws(function () { mpath.get(function(){}, o); }, /Must be either string or array/); assert.throws(function () { mpath.get(/asdf/, o); }, /Must be either string or array/); assert.throws(function () { mpath.get(Math, o); }, /Must be either string or array/); assert.throws(function () { mpath.get(Buffer, o); }, /Must be either string or array/); assert.doesNotThrow(function () { mpath.get('string', o); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function () { mpath.get([], o); }); done(); }) describe('without `special`', function(){ it('works', function(done){ assert.equal('jiro', mpath.get('name', o)); assert.deepEqual( { second: { third: [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] }} , mpath.get('first', o) ); assert.deepEqual( { third: [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] } , mpath.get('first.second', o) ); assert.deepEqual( [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] , mpath.get('first.second.third', o) ); assert.deepEqual( 3 , mpath.get('first.second.third.0', o) ); assert.deepEqual( 9 , mpath.get('first.second.third.2', o) ); assert.deepEqual( { name: 'aaron' } , mpath.get('first.second.third.1', o) ); assert.deepEqual( 'aaron' , mpath.get('first.second.third.1.name', o) ); assert.deepEqual([ { name: 'one' } , { name: 'two', _doc: { name: '2' }} , { name: 'three' , comments: [{},{ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]}] , _doc: { name: '3', comments: [{},{ _doc: { comments: [{ val: 2 }] }}]}}], mpath.get('comments', o)); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'one' }, mpath.get('comments.0', o)); assert.deepEqual('one', mpath.get('comments.0.name', o)); assert.deepEqual('two', mpath.get('comments.1.name', o)); assert.deepEqual('three', mpath.get('comments.2.name', o)); assert.deepEqual([{},{ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]}] , mpath.get('comments.2.comments', o)); assert.deepEqual({ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]} , mpath.get('comments.2.comments.1', o)); assert.deepEqual('twoo', mpath.get('comments.2.comments.1.comments.0.val', o)); done(); }) it('handles array.property dot-notation', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( ['one', 'two', 'three'] , mpath.get('comments.name', o) ); done(); }) it('handles array.array notation', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [undefined, undefined, [{}, {comments:[{val:'twoo'}]}]] , mpath.get('comments.comments', o) ); done(); }) it('handles prop.prop.prop.arrayProperty notation', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [undefined, 'aaron', undefined] , mpath.get('first.second.third.name', o) ); assert.deepEqual( [1, 'aaron', 1] , mpath.get('first.second.third.name', o, function (v) { return undefined === v ? 1 : v; }) ); done(); }) it('handles array.prop.array', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [ [{x: {b: [4,6,8]}}, { y: 10} ] , [{x: {b: [1,2,3]}}, { x: {z: 10 }}, { x: {b: 'hi'}}] , [{x: {b: null }}, { x: { b: [null, 1]}}] , [{x: null }] , [{y: 3 }] , [3, 0, null] , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array', o) ); done(); }) it('handles array.prop.array.index', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [ {x: {b: [4,6,8]}} , {x: {b: [1,2,3]}} , {x: {b: null }} , {x: null } , {y: 3 } , 3 , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.0', o) ); done(); }) it('handles array.prop.array.index.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [ {b: [4,6,8]} , {b: [1,2,3]} , {b: null } , null , undefined , undefined , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.0.x', o) ); done(); }) it('handles array.prop.array.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [ [undefined, 10 ] , [undefined, undefined, undefined] , [undefined, undefined] , [undefined] , [3] , [undefined, undefined, undefined] , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.y', o) ); assert.deepEqual( [ [{b: [4,6,8]}, undefined] , [{b: [1,2,3]}, {z: 10 }, {b: 'hi'}] , [{b: null }, { b: [null, 1]}] , [null] , [undefined] , [undefined, undefined, undefined] , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.x', o) ); done(); }) it('handles array.prop.array.prop.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [ [[4,6,8], undefined] , [[1,2,3], undefined, 'hi'] , [null, [null, 1]] , [null] , [undefined] , [undefined, undefined, undefined] , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.x.b', o) ); done(); }) it('handles array.prop.array.prop.prop.index', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [ [6, undefined] , [2, undefined, 'i'] // undocumented feature (string indexing) , [null, 1] , [null] , [undefined] , [undefined, undefined, undefined] , undefined ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.x.b.1', o) ); assert.deepEqual( [ [6, 0] , [2, 0, 'i'] // undocumented feature (string indexing) , [null, 1] , [null] , [0] , [0, 0, 0] , 0 ] , mpath.get('array.o.array.x.b.1', o, function (v) { return undefined === v ? 0 : v; }) ); done(); }) it('handles array.index.prop.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [{x: {b: [1,2,3]}}, { x: {z: 10 }}, { x: {b: 'hi'}}] , mpath.get('array.1.o.array', o) ); assert.deepEqual( ['hi','hi','hi'] , mpath.get('array.1.o.array', o, function (v) { if (Array.isArray(v)) { return v.map(function (val) { return 'hi'; }) } return v; }) ); done(); }) it('handles array.array.index', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [{ a: { c: 48 }}, undefined] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1', o) ); assert.deepEqual( ['woot', undefined] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1', o, function (v) { if (v && v.a && v.a.c) return 'woot'; return v; }) ); done(); }) it('handles array.array.index.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [{ c: 48 }, 'woot'] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1.a', o, function (v) { if (undefined === v) return 'woot'; return v; }) ); assert.deepEqual( [{ c: 48 }, undefined] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1.a', o) ); mpath.set('arr.arr.1.a', [{c:49},undefined], o) assert.deepEqual( [{ c: 49 }, undefined] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1.a', o) ); mpath.set('arr.arr.1.a', [{c:48},undefined], o) done(); }) it('handles array.array.index.prop.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [48, undefined] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1.a.c', o) ); assert.deepEqual( [48, 'woot'] , mpath.get('arr.arr.1.a.c', o, function (v) { if (undefined === v) return 'woot'; return v; }) ); done(); }) }) describe('with `special`', function(){ it('works', function(done){ assert.equal('jiro', mpath.get('name', o, special)); assert.deepEqual( { second: { third: [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] }} , mpath.get('first', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( { third: [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] } , mpath.get('first.second', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( [3,{ name: 'aaron' }, 9] , mpath.get('first.second.third', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( 3 , mpath.get('first.second.third.0', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( 4 , mpath.get('first.second.third.0', o, special, function (v) { return 3 === v ? 4 : v; }) ); assert.deepEqual( 9 , mpath.get('first.second.third.2', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( { name: 'aaron' } , mpath.get('first.second.third.1', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( 'aaron' , mpath.get('first.second.third.1.name', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual([ { name: 'one' } , { name: 'two', _doc: { name: '2' }} , { name: 'three' , comments: [{},{ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]}] , _doc: { name: '3', comments: [{},{ _doc: { comments: [{ val: 2 }] }}]}}], mpath.get('comments', o, special)); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'one' }, mpath.get('comments.0', o, special)); assert.deepEqual('one', mpath.get('comments.0.name', o, special)); assert.deepEqual('2', mpath.get('comments.1.name', o, special)); assert.deepEqual('3', mpath.get('comments.2.name', o, special)); assert.deepEqual('nice', mpath.get('comments.2.name', o, special, function (v) { return '3' === v ? 'nice' : v; })); assert.deepEqual([{},{ _doc: { comments: [{ val: 2 }] }}] , mpath.get('comments.2.comments', o, special)); assert.deepEqual({ _doc: { comments: [{val: 2}]}} , mpath.get('comments.2.comments.1', o, special)); assert.deepEqual(2, mpath.get('comments.2.comments.1.comments.0.val', o, special)); done(); }) it('handles array.property dot-notation', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( ['one', '2', '3'] , mpath.get('comments.name', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( ['one', 2, '3'] , mpath.get('comments.name', o, special, function (v) { return '2' === v ? 2 : v }) ); done(); }) it('handles array.array notation', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [undefined, undefined, [{}, {_doc: { comments:[{val:2}]}}]] , mpath.get('comments.comments', o, special) ); done(); }) it('handles array.array.index.array', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [undefined, undefined, [{val:2}]] , mpath.get('comments.comments.1.comments', o, special) ); done(); }) it('handles array.array.index.array.prop', function(done){ assert.deepEqual( [undefined, undefined, [2]] , mpath.get('comments.comments.1.comments.val', o, special) ); assert.deepEqual( ['nil', 'nil', [2]] , mpath.get('comments.comments.1.comments.val', o, special, function (v) { return undefined === v ? 'nil' : v; }) ); done(); }) }) }) describe('set', function(){ describe('without `special`', function(){ var o = doc(); it('works', function(done){ mpath.set('name', 'a new val', o, function (v) { return 'a new val' === v ? 'changed' : v; }); assert.deepEqual('changed', o.name); mpath.set('name', 'changed', o); assert.deepEqual('changed', o.name); mpath.set('first.second.third', [1,{name:'x'},9], o); assert.deepEqual([1,{name:'x'},9], o.first.second.third); mpath.set('first.second.third.1.name', 'y', o) assert.deepEqual([1,{name:'y'},9], o.first.second.third); mpath.set('comments.1.name', 'ttwwoo', o); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'ttwwoo', _doc: { name: '2' }}, o.comments[1]); mpath.set('comments.2.comments.1.comments.0.expand', 'added', o); assert.deepEqual( { val: 'twoo', expand: 'added'} , o.comments[2].comments[1].comments[0]); mpath.set('comments.2.comments.1.comments.2', 'added', o); assert.equal(3, o.comments[2].comments[1].comments.length); assert.deepEqual( { val: 'twoo', expand: 'added'} , o.comments[2].comments[1].comments[0]); assert.deepEqual( undefined , o.comments[2].comments[1].comments[1]); assert.deepEqual( 'added' , o.comments[2].comments[1].comments[2]); done(); }) describe('array.path', function(){ describe('with single non-array value', function(){ it('works', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', false, o, function (v) { return false === v ? true: v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: true, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', false, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: false, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: false } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('with array of values', function(){ it('that are equal in length', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', ['one',2], o, function (v) { return 'one' === v ? 1 : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 1, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 2 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', ['one',2], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 'one', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 2 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('that is less than length', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', [47], o, function (v) { return 47 === v ? 4 : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 4, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 2 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', [47], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 2 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('that is greater than length', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', [5,6,7], o, function (v) { return 5 === v ? 'five' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 'five', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 6 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', [5,6,7], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 5, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 6 } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) }) describe('array.$.path', function(){ describe('with single non-array value', function(){ it('copies the value to each item in array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.$.yep', {xtra: 'double good'}, o, function (v) { return v && v.xtra ? 'hi' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 'hi', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 'hi'} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.$.yep', {xtra: 'double good'}, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: {xtra:'double good'}, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: {xtra:'double good'}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('with array of values', function(){ it('copies the value to each item in array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.$.yep', [15], o, function (v) { return v.length === 1 ? [] : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: []} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.$.yep', [15], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: [15]} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) }) describe('array.index.path', function(){ it('works', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.1.yep', 0, o, function (v) { return 0 === v ? 'zero' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15] , arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 'zero' } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.1.yep', 0, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15] , arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.index.array.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', 35, o, function (v) { return 35 === v ? 3 : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 3}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 3}, { d: 'yep', e: 3 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', 35, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 35}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 35}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', ['a','b'], o, function (v) { return 'a' === v ? 'x' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 'x'}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', ['a','b'], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.index.array.path.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', 36, o, function (v) { return 36 === v ? 3 : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 3 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 3 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', 36, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 36 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 36 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', [1,2,3,4], o, function (v) { return 2 === v ? 'two' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 1 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 'two' }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', [1,2,3,4], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 1 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 2 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.index.array.$.path.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', '$', o, function (v) { return '$' === v ? 'dolla billz' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 'dolla billz' }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 'dolla billz' }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', '$', o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: '$' }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: '$' }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', [1], o, function (v) { return Array.isArray(v) ? {} : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: {} }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: {} }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', [1], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: [1] }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.array.index.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', 'single', o, function (v) { return 'single' === v ? 'double' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'double', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', 'single', o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'single', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o, function (v) { return 4 === v ? 3 : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 3, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: false } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 4, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: false } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.array.$.index.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', 'singles', o, function (v) { return 0; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 0, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', 'singles', o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'singles', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); mpath.set('$.arr.arr.0.a', 'single', o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'single', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0 } ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o, function (v) { return 'nope' }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'nope', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.$.arr.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42,108], o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.array.path.index', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', 47, o, function (v) { return 1 }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,1], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 1 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', 47, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,47], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 47 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ o.arr[1].arr = [{ a: [] }, { a: [] }, { a: null }]; mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', [[null,46], [undefined, 'woot']], o); var a1 = []; var a2 = []; a1[7] = undefined; a2[7] = 'woot'; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } , { yep: 0, arr: [{a:a1},{a:a2},{a:null}] } ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('handles array.array.path', function(){ it('with single', function(done){ o.arr[1].arr = [{},{}]; assert.deepEqual([{},{}], o.arr[1].arr); o.arr.push({ arr: 'something else' }); o.arr.push({ arr: ['something else'] }); o.arr.push({ arr: [[]] }); o.arr.push({ arr: [5] }); var weird = []; weird.e = 'xmas'; // test mpath.set('arr.arr.e', 47, o, function (v) { return 'xmas' }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [ { a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 'xmas'} , { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 'xmas'} , { d: 'yep', e: 'xmas' } ] } , { yep: 0, arr: [{e: 'xmas'}, {e:'xmas'}] } , { arr: 'something else' } , { arr: ['something else'] } , { arr: [weird] } , { arr: [5] } ] , o.arr); weird.e = 47; mpath.set('arr.arr.e', 47, o); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [ { a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 47} , { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 47} , { d: 'yep', e: 47 } ] } , { yep: 0, arr: [{e: 47}, {e:47}] } , { arr: 'something else' } , { arr: ['something else'] } , { arr: [weird] } , { arr: [5] } ] , o.arr); done(); }) it('with arrays', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.e', [[1,2,3],[4,5],null,[],[6], [7,8,9]], o, function (v) { return 10; }); var weird = []; weird.e = 10; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [ { a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 10} , { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 10} , { d: 'yep', e: 10 } ] } , { yep: 0, arr: [{e: 10}, {e:10}] } , { arr: 'something else' } , { arr: ['something else'] } , { arr: [weird] } , { arr: [5] } ] , o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.e', [[1,2,3],[4,5],null,[],[6], [7,8,9]], o); weird.e = 6; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: [15], arr: [ { a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 1} , { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 2} , { d: 'yep', e: 3 } ] } , { yep: 0, arr: [{e: 4}, {e:5}] } , { arr: 'something else' } , { arr: ['something else'] } , { arr: [weird] } , { arr: [5] } ] , o.arr); done(); }) }) }) describe('with `special`', function(){ var o = doc(); it('works', function(done){ mpath.set('name', 'chan', o, special, function (v) { return 'hi'; }); assert.deepEqual('hi', o.name); mpath.set('name', 'changer', o, special); assert.deepEqual('changer', o.name); mpath.set('first.second.third', [1,{name:'y'},9], o, special); assert.deepEqual([1,{name:'y'},9], o.first.second.third); mpath.set('first.second.third.1.name', 'z', o, special) assert.deepEqual([1,{name:'z'},9], o.first.second.third); mpath.set('comments.1.name', 'ttwwoo', o, special); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'two', _doc: { name: 'ttwwoo' }}, o.comments[1]); mpath.set('comments.2.comments.1.comments.0.expander', 'adder', o, special, function (v) { return 'super' }); assert.deepEqual( { val: 2, expander: 'super'} , o.comments[2]._doc.comments[1]._doc.comments[0]); mpath.set('comments.2.comments.1.comments.0.expander', 'adder', o, special); assert.deepEqual( { val: 2, expander: 'adder'} , o.comments[2]._doc.comments[1]._doc.comments[0]); mpath.set('comments.2.comments.1.comments.2', 'set', o, special); assert.equal(3, o.comments[2]._doc.comments[1]._doc.comments.length); assert.deepEqual( { val: 2, expander: 'adder'} , o.comments[2]._doc.comments[1]._doc.comments[0]); assert.deepEqual( undefined , o.comments[2]._doc.comments[1]._doc.comments[1]); assert.deepEqual( 'set' , o.comments[2]._doc.comments[1]._doc.comments[2]); done(); }) describe('array.path', function(){ describe('with single non-array value', function(){ it('works', function(done){ o.arr[1]._doc = { special: true } mpath.set('arr.yep', false, o, special, function (v) { return 'yes'; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 'yes', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 'yes'}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', false, o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: false, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: false }} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('with array of values', function(){ it('that are equal in length', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', ['one',2], o, special, function (v) { return 2 === v ? 20 : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 'one', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 20}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', ['one',2], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 'one', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 2}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('that is less than length', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', [47], o, special, function (v) { return 80; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 80, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 2}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', [47], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 2}} ], o.arr); // add _doc to first element o.arr[0]._doc = { yep: 46, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } mpath.set('arr.yep', [20], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }], _doc: { yep: 20, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 2}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('that is greater than length', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.yep', [5,6,7], o, special, function () { return 'x'; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }], _doc: { yep: 'x', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 'x'}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.yep', [5,6,7], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }], _doc: { yep: 5, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 6}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) }) describe('array.$.path', function(){ describe('with single non-array value', function(){ it('copies the value to each item in array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.$.yep', {xtra: 'double good'}, o, special, function (v) { return 9; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: 9, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 9}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.$.yep', {xtra: 'double good'}, o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: {xtra:'double good'}, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: {xtra:'double good'}}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('with array of values', function(){ it('copies the value to each item in array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.$.yep', [15], o, special, function (v) { return 'array' }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: 'array', arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 'array'}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.$.yep', [15], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: [15]}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) }) describe('array.index.path', function(){ it('works', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.1.yep', 0, o, special, function (v) { return 1; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 1}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.1.yep', 0, o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.index.array.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', 35, o, special, function (v) { return 30 }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 30}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 30}, { d: 'yep', e: 30 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', 35, o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 35}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 35}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', ['a','b'], o, special, function (v) { return 'a' === v ? 'A' : v; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 'A'}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.e', ['a','b'], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.index.array.path.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', 36, o, special, function (v) { return 20 }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 20 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 20 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', 36, o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 36 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 36 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', [1,2,3,4], o, special, function (v) { return v*2; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 2 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 4 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.a.b', [1,2,3,4], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 1 }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 2 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.index.array.$.path.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', '$', o, special, function (v) { return 'dollaz' }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: 'dollaz' }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: 'dollaz' }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', '$', o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: '$' }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: '$' }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', [1], o, special, function (v) { return {}; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: {} }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: {} }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.0.arr.$.a.b', [1], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: { b: [1] }, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.array.index.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', 'single', o, special, function (v) { return 88; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 88, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', 'single', o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'single', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o, special, function (v) { return v*2; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 8, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 4, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.array.$.index.path', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', 'singles', o, special, function (v) { return v.toUpperCase(); }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'SINGLES', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', 'singles', o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'singles', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('$.arr.arr.0.a', 'single', o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: 'single', e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o, special, function (v) { return Array }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: Array, e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.$.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.$.arr.0.a', [4,8,15,16,23,42,108], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1] }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('array.array.path.index', function(){ it('with single value', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', 47, o, special, function (v) { return Object; }); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,Object], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': Object }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', 47, o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,47], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 47 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) it('with array', function(done){ o.arr[1]._doc.arr = [{ a: [] }, { a: [] }, { a: null }]; mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', [[null,46], [undefined, 'woot']], o, special, function (v) { return undefined === v ? 'nope' : v; }); var a1 = []; var a2 = []; a1[7] = 'nope'; a2[7] = 'woot'; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { arr: [{a:a1},{a:a2},{a:null}], special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); mpath.set('arr.arr.a.7', [[null,46], [undefined, 'woot']], o, special); a1[7] = undefined; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15], arr: [{ a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 'a'}, { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 'b'}, { d: 'yep', e: 35 }] } } , { yep: true, _doc: { arr: [{a:a1},{a:a2},{a:null}], special: true, yep: 0}} ], o.arr); done(); }) }) describe('handles array.array.path', function(){ it('with single', function(done){ o.arr[1]._doc.arr = [{},{}]; assert.deepEqual([{},{}], o.arr[1]._doc.arr); o.arr.push({ _doc: { arr: 'something else' }}); o.arr.push({ _doc: { arr: ['something else'] }}); o.arr.push({ _doc: { arr: [[]] }}); o.arr.push({ _doc: { arr: [5] }}); // test mpath.set('arr.arr.e', 47, o, special); var weird = []; weird.e = 47; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15] , arr: [ { a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 47} , { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 47} , { d: 'yep', e: 47 } ] } } , { yep: true , _doc: { arr: [ {e:47} , {e:47} ] , special: true , yep: 0 } } , { _doc: { arr: 'something else' }} , { _doc: { arr: ['something else'] }} , { _doc: { arr: [weird] }} , { _doc: { arr: [5] }} ] , o.arr); done(); }) it('with arrays', function(done){ mpath.set('arr.arr.e', [[1,2,3],[4,5],null,[],[6], [7,8,9]], o, special); var weird = []; weird.e = 6; assert.deepEqual([ { yep: 47, arr: [{ a: { b: 47 }}, { a: { c: 48 }}, { d: 'yep' }] , _doc: { yep: [15] , arr: [ { a: [4,8,15,16,23,42,108,null], e: 1} , { a: { c: 48, b: [1], '7': 46 }, e: 2} , { d: 'yep', e: 3 } ] } } , { yep: true , _doc: { arr: [ {e:4} , {e:5} ] , special: true , yep: 0 } } , { _doc: { arr: 'something else' }} , { _doc: { arr: ['something else'] }} , { _doc: { arr: [weird] }} , { _doc: { arr: [5] }} ] , o.arr); done(); }) }) }) describe('get/set integration', function(){ var o = doc(); it('works', function(done){ var vals = mpath.get('array.o.array.x.b', o); vals[0][0][2] = 10; vals[1][0][1] = 0; vals[1][1] = 'Rambaldi'; vals[1][2] = [12,14]; vals[2] = [{changed:true}, [null, ['changed','to','array']]]; mpath.set('array.o.array.x.b', vals, o); var t = [ { o: { array: [{x: {b: [4,6,10]}}, { y: 10} ] }} , { o: { array: [{x: {b: [1,0,3]}}, { x: {b:'Rambaldi',z: 10 }}, { x: {b: [12,14]}}] }} , { o: { array: [{x: {b: {changed:true}}}, { x: { b: [null, ['changed','to','array']]}}]}} , { o: { array: [{x: null }] }} , { o: { array: [{y: 3 }] }} , { o: { array: [3, 0, null] }} , { o: { name: 'ha' }} ]; assert.deepEqual(t, o.array); done(); }) it('array.prop', function(done){ mpath.set('comments.name', ['this', 'was', 'changed'], o); assert.deepEqual([ { name: 'this' } , { name: 'was', _doc: { name: '2' }} , { name: 'changed' , comments: [{},{ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]}] , _doc: { name: '3', comments: [{},{ _doc: { comments: [{ val: 2 }] }}] }} ], o.comments); mpath.set('comments.name', ['also', 'changed', 'this'], o, special); assert.deepEqual([ { name: 'also' } , { name: 'was', _doc: { name: 'changed' }} , { name: 'changed' , comments: [{},{ comments: [{val: 'twoo'}]}] , _doc: { name: 'this', comments: [{},{ _doc: { comments: [{ val: 2 }] }}] }} ], o.comments); done(); }) }) describe('multiple $ use', function(){ var o = doc(); it('is ok', function(done){ assert.doesNotThrow(function () { mpath.set('arr.$.arr.$.a', 35, o); }); done(); }) }) it('ignores setting a nested path that doesnt exist', function(done){ var o = doc(); assert.doesNotThrow(function(){ mpath.set('thing.that.is.new', 10, o); }) done(); }) }) })