var util = require('util'); var Command = require('./command.js'); var Query = require('./query.js'); var Packets = require('../packets/index.js'); var compileParser = require('../compile_binary_parser.js'); function Execute(options, callback) {; this.statement = options.statement; this.sql = options.sql; this.values = options.values; this.onResult = callback; this.parameters = options.values; this.insertId = 0; this._rows = []; this._fields = []; this._result = []; this._fieldCount = 0; this._rowParser = null; this.options = options; this._resultIndex = 0; this._localStream = null; this._streamFactory = options.infileStreamFactory; } util.inherits(Execute, Command); Execute.prototype.buildParserFromFields = function(fields, connection) { var parserKey = connection.keyFromFields(fields, this.options); var parser = connection.binaryProtocolParsers[parserKey]; if (!parser) { parser = compileParser(fields, this.options, connection.config); connection.binaryProtocolParsers[parserKey] = parser; } return parser; } Execute.prototype.start = function(packet, connection) { var executePacket = new Packets.Execute(, this.parameters); connection.writePacket(executePacket.toPacket(1)); return Execute.prototype.resultsetHeader; }; Execute.prototype.done = Query.prototype.done; Execute.prototype.doneInsert = Query.prototype.doneInsert; Execute.prototype.resultsetHeader = Query.prototype.resultsetHeader; Execute.prototype._findOrCreateReadStream = Query.prototype._findOrCreateReadStream Execute.prototype._streamLocalInfile = Query.prototype._streamLocalInfile; Execute.prototype.row = Query.prototype.row; =; Execute.prototype.readField = function(packet, connection) { var def, fields; // disabling for now, but would be great to find reliable way to parse fields only once // fields reported by prepare can be empty at all or just incorrect - see #169 // // perfomance optimisation: if we already have this field parsed in statement header, use one from header //var field = this.statement.columns.length == this._fieldCount ? // this.statement.columns[this._receivedFieldsCount] : new Packets.ColumnDefinition(packet); var field = new Packets.ColumnDefinition(packet); this._receivedFieldsCount++; this._fields[this._resultIndex].push(field); if (this._receivedFieldsCount == this._fieldCount) { fields = this._fields[this._resultIndex]; this.emit('fields', fields, this._resultIndex); return Execute.prototype.fieldsEOF; } return Execute.prototype.readField; }; Execute.prototype.fieldsEOF = function(packet, connection) { // check EOF if (!packet.isEOF()) return connection.protocolError("Expected EOF packet"); this._rowParser = this.buildParserFromFields(this._fields[this._resultIndex], connection) return Execute.prototype.row; }; module.exports = Execute;