var Packet = require('../packets/packet'); // creating JS string is relatively expencive (compared to // reading few bytes from buffer) because all string properties // except for name are unlikely to be used we postpone // string conversion until property access // // TODO: watch for integration benchmarks (one with real network buffer) // there could be bad side effect as keeping reference to a buffer makes it // sit in the memory longer (usually until final .query() callback) // Latest v8 perform much better in regard to bufferer -> string convertion, // at some point of time this optimisation might become unnecessary // see // function ColumnDefinition(packet) { this._buf = packet.buffer; this._catalogLength = packet.readLengthCodedNumber(); this._catalogStart = packet.offset; packet.offset += this._catalogLength; this._schemaLength = packet.readLengthCodedNumber(); this._schemaStart = packet.offset; packet.offset += this._schemaLength; this._tableLength = packet.readLengthCodedNumber(); this._tableStart = packet.offset; packet.offset += this._tableLength; this._orgTableLength = packet.readLengthCodedNumber(); this._orgTableStart = packet.offset; packet.offset += this._orgTableLength; // name is always used, don't make it lazy = packet.readLengthCodedString(); this._orgNameLength = packet.readLengthCodedNumber(); this._orgNameStart = packet.offset; packet.offset += this._orgNameLength; packet.skip(1); // length of the following fields (always 0x0c) this.characterSet = packet.readInt16(); this.columnLength = packet.readInt32(); this.columnType = packet.readInt8(); this.flags = packet.readInt16(); this.decimals = packet.readInt8(); } var addString = function(name) { Object.defineProperty(ColumnDefinition.prototype, name, { get: function() { var start = this['_' + name + 'Start']; var end = start + this['_' + name + 'Length']; return this._buf.utf8Slice(start, end); }}); }; addString('catalog'); addString('schema'); addString('table'); addString('orgTable'); addString('orgName'); ColumnDefinition.prototype.inspect = function() { return { catalog : this.catalog, schema : this.schema, name :, orgName : this.orgName, table : this.table, orgTable : this.orgTable, characterSet: this.characterSet, columnLength: this.columnLength, columnType : this.columnType, flags : this.flags, decimals : this.decimals }; }; ColumnDefinition.toPacket = function(column, sequenceId) { var length = 0; var fields = 'catalog schema table orgTable name orgName'.split(' '); function addFieldLength(name) { var str = column[name]; length +=Packet.lengthCodedNumberLength(str); length += str.length; } fields.forEach(addFieldLength); length += 13; var buffer = new Buffer(length); for (var i=0; i < length; ++i) buffer[i] = 0; function writeField(name) { packet.writeLengthCodedString(column[name]); } var packet = new Packet(sequenceId, buffer, 0, length); packet.offset = 4; fields.forEach(writeField); packet.writeInt8 (0x0c); packet.writeInt16(column.characterSet); packet.writeInt32(column.columnLength); packet.writeInt8 (column.columnType); packet.writeInt16(column.flags); packet.writeInt8 (column.decimals); return packet; }; module.exports = ColumnDefinition;