# Number `Napi::Number` class is a representation of the JavaScript `Number` object. The `Napi::Number` class inherits its behavior from `Napi::Value` class (for more info see [`Napi::Value`](value.md)) ## Methods ### Constructor Creates a new _empty_ instance of a `Napi::Number` object. ```cpp Napi::Number(); ``` Returns a new _empty_ `Napi::Number` object. ### Contructor Creates a new instance of a `Napi::Number` object. ```cpp Napi::Number(napi_env env, napi_value value); ``` - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Nuber` object. - `[in] value`: The `napi_value` which is a handle for a JavaScript `Number`. Returns a non-empty `Napi::Number` object. ### New Creates a new instance of a `Napi::Number` object. ```cpp Napi::Number Napi::Number::New(napi_env env, double value); ``` - `[in] env`: The `napi_env` environment in which to construct the `Napi::Nuber` object. - `[in] value`: The `napi_value` which is a handle for a JavaScript `Number`. Creates a new instance of a `Napi::Number` object. ### Int32Value Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `uint32_t` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::Int32Value() const; ``` Returns the `int32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### Uint32Value Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `uint32_t` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::Uint32Value() const; ``` Returns the `uint32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### Int64Value Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int64_t` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::Int64Value() const; ``` Returns the `int64_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### FloatValue Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `float` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::FloatValue() const; ``` Returns the `float` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### DoubleValue Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `double` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::DoubleValue() const; ``` Returns the `double` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ## Operators The `Napi::Number` class contains a set of operators to easily cast JavaScript `Number` object to one of the following primitive types: - `int32_t` - `uint32_t` - `int64_t` - `float` - `double` ### operator int32_t Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int32_t` primitive. ```cpp Napi::Number::operator int32_t() const; ``` Returns the `int32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### operator uint32_t Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `uint32_t` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::operator uint32_t() const; ``` Returns the `uint32_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### operator int64_t Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `int64_t` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::operator int64_t() const; ``` Returns the `int64_t` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### operator float Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `float` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::operator float() const; ``` Returns the `float` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### operator double Converts a `Napi::Number` value to a `double` primitive type. ```cpp Napi::Number::operator double() const; ``` Returns the `double` primitive type of the corresponding `Napi::Number` object. ### Example The following shows an example of casting a number to an `uint32_t` value. ```cpp uint32_t operatorVal = Napi::Number::New(Env(), 10.0); // Number to unsigned 32 bit integer // or auto instanceVal = info[0].As().Uint32Value(); ```