# Prebuild tools The distribution of a native add-on is just as important as its implementation. In order to install a native add-on it's important to have all the necessary dependencies installed and well configured (see the [setup](doc/setum.md) section). The end-user will need to compile the add-on when they will do an `npm install` and in some cases this could create problems. To avoid the compilation process it's possible to ditribute the native add-on in pre-built form for different platform and architectures. The prebuild tools help to create and distrubute the pre-built form of a native add-on. The following list report two of the tools that are compatible with **N-API**: - **[node-pre-gyp](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-pre-gyp)** - **[prebuild](https://www.npmjs.com/package/prebuild)** - **[prebuildify](https://www.npmjs.com/package/prebuildify)**