;(function () { 'use strict'; /*jshint laxbreak: true, browser:true */ /*global define*/ var esprima , exportFn , toString = Object.prototype.toString ; if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object' && typeof require === 'function') { // server side esprima = require('esprima'); exportFn = function (redeyed) { module.exports = redeyed; }; bootstrap(esprima, exportFn); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // client side // amd define(['esprima'], function (esprima) { return bootstrap(esprima); }); } else if (typeof window === 'object') { // no amd -> attach to window if it exists // Note that this requires 'esprima' to be defined on the window, so that script has to be loaded first window.redeyed = bootstrap(window.esprima); } function bootstrap(esprima, exportFn) { function isFunction (obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Function]'; } function isString (obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object String]'; } function isNumber (obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Number]'; } function isObject (obj) { return toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'; } function surroundWith (before, after) { return function (s) { return before + s + after; }; } function isNonCircular(key) { return key !== '_parent'; } function objectizeString (value) { var vals = value.split(':'); if (0 === vals.length || vals.length > 2) throw new Error( 'illegal string config: ' + value + '\nShould be of format "before:after"' ); if (vals.length === 1 || vals[1].length === 0) { return vals.indexOf(':') < 0 ? { _before: vals[0] } : { _after: vals[0] }; } else { return { _before: vals[0], _after: vals[1] }; } } function objectize (node) { // Converts 'bef:aft' to { _before: bef, _after: aft } // and resolves undefined before/after from parent or root function resolve (value, key) { // resolve before/after from root or parent if it isn't present on the current node if (!value._parent) return undefined; // Immediate parent if (value._parent._default && value._parent._default[key]) return value._parent._default[key]; // Root var root = value._parent._parent; if (!root) return undefined; return root._default ? root._default[key] : undefined; } function process (key) { var value = node[key]; if (!value) return; if (isFunction(value)) return; // normalize all strings to objects if (isString(value)) { node[key] = value = objectizeString(value); } value._parent = node; if (isObject(value)) { if (!value._before && !value._after) return objectize (value); // resolve missing _before or _after from parent(s) // in case we only have either one on this node value._before = value._before || resolve(value, '_before'); value._after = value._after || resolve(value, '_after'); return; } throw new Error('nodes need to be either {String}, {Object} or {Function}.' + value + ' is neither.'); } // Process _default ones first so children can resolve missing before/after from them if (node._default) process('_default'); Object.keys(node) .filter(function (key) { return isNonCircular(key) && node.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== '_before' && key !== '_after' && key !== '_default'; }) .forEach(process); } function functionize (node) { Object.keys(node) .filter(function (key) { return isNonCircular(key) && node.hasOwnProperty(key); }) .forEach(function (key) { var value = node[key]; if (isFunction(value)) return; if (isObject(value)) { if (!value._before && !value._after) return functionize(value); // at this point before/after were "inherited" from the parent or root // (see objectize) var before = value._before || ''; var after = value._after || ''; node[key] = surroundWith (before, after); return node[key]; } }); } function normalize (root) { objectize(root); functionize(root); } function mergeTokensAndComments(tokens, comments) { var all = {}; function addToAllByRangeStart(t) { all[ t.range[0] ] = t; } tokens.forEach(addToAllByRangeStart); comments.forEach(addToAllByRangeStart); // keys are sorted automatically return Object.keys(all) .map(function (k) { return all[k]; }); } function redeyed (code, config, opts) { opts = opts || {}; // remove shebang code = code.replace(/^\#\!.*/, ''); var ast = esprima.parse(code, { tokens: true, comment: true, range: true, tolerant: true }) , tokens = ast.tokens , comments = ast.comments , lastSplitEnd = 0 , splits = [] , transformedCode , all , info ; normalize(config); function tokenIndex(tokens, tkn, start) { var current , rangeStart = tkn.range[0]; for (current = start; current < tokens.length; current++) { if (tokens[current].range[0] === rangeStart) return current; } throw new Error('Token %s not found at or after index: %d', tkn, start); } function process(surround) { var result , currentIndex , nextIndex , skip = 0 , splitEnd ; result = surround(code.slice(start, end), info); if (isObject(result)) { splits.push(result.replacement); currentIndex = info.tokenIndex; nextIndex = tokenIndex(info.tokens, result.skipPastToken, currentIndex); skip = nextIndex - currentIndex; splitEnd = skip > 0 ? tokens[nextIndex - 1].range[1] : end; } else { splits.push(result); splitEnd = end; } return { skip: skip, splitEnd: splitEnd }; } function addSplit (start, end, surround, info) { var result , nextIndex , skip = 0 ; if (start >= end) return; if (surround) { result = process(surround); skip = result.skip; lastSplitEnd = result.splitEnd; } else { splits.push(code.slice(start, end)); lastSplitEnd = end; } return skip; } all = mergeTokensAndComments(tokens, comments); for (var tokenIdx = 0; tokenIdx < all.length; tokenIdx++) { var token = all[tokenIdx] , surroundForType = config[token.type] , surround , start , end; // At least the type (e.g., 'Keyword') needs to be specified for the token to be surrounded if (surroundForType) { // root defaults are only taken into account while resolving before/after otherwise // a root default would apply to everything, even if no type default was specified surround = surroundForType && surroundForType.hasOwnProperty(token.value) && surroundForType[token.value] && isFunction(surroundForType[token.value]) ? surroundForType[token.value] : surroundForType._default; start = token.range[0]; end = token.range[1]; addSplit(lastSplitEnd, start); info = { tokenIndex: tokenIdx, tokens: all, ast: ast, code: code }; tokenIdx += addSplit(start, end, surround, info); } } if (lastSplitEnd < code.length) { addSplit(lastSplitEnd, code.length); } transformedCode = opts.nojoin ? undefined : splits.join(''); return { ast : ast , tokens : tokens , comments : comments , splits : splits , code : transformedCode }; } return exportFn ? exportFn(redeyed) : redeyed; } })();