module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ 'shell': { 'options': { 'stdout': true, 'stderr': true, 'failOnError': true }, 'generate-test-data': { // Only when needed 'command': 'if [ ! -f data.json ]; then python; fi', 'options': { 'execOptions': { 'cwd': 'tests' } } }, 'cover-html': { 'command': 'istanbul cover --report "html" --verbose --dir "coverage" "tests/tests.js"; istanbul report --root "coverage" --format "html"' }, 'cover-coveralls': { 'command': 'istanbul cover --verbose --dir "coverage" "tests/tests.js" && cat coverage/ | coveralls; rm -rf coverage/lcov*' }, 'test-narwhal': { 'command': 'echo "Testing in Narwhal..."; export NARWHAL_OPTIMIZATION=-1; narwhal "tests/tests.js"' }, 'test-phantomjs': { 'command': 'echo "Testing in PhantomJS..."; phantomjs "tests/tests.js"' }, // Rhino 1.7R4 has a bug that makes it impossible to test in. // // To test, use Rhino 1.7R3, or wait (heh) for the 1.7R5 release. 'test-rhino': { 'command': 'echo "Testing in Rhino..."; rhino -opt -1 "tests.js"', 'options': { 'execOptions': { 'cwd': 'tests' } } }, 'test-ringo': { 'command': 'echo "Testing in Ringo..."; ringo -o -1 "tests/tests.js"' }, 'test-node': { 'command': 'echo "Testing in Node..."; node "tests/tests.js" --extended' }, 'test-browser': { 'command': 'echo "Testing in a browser..."; open "tests/index.html"' } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-shell'); grunt.registerTask('cover', 'shell:cover-html'); grunt.registerTask('ci', [ 'shell:generate-test-data', 'shell:test-narwhal', 'shell:test-phantomjs', 'shell:test-rhino', 'shell:test-ringo', 'shell:test-node', ]); grunt.registerTask('test', [ 'shell:generate-test-data', 'ci', 'shell:test-browser' ]); grunt.registerTask('default', [ 'shell:test-node', 'cover' ]); };