var validator = require('../validator') , format = require('util').format , contextify = require('contextify') , assert = require('assert') , path = require('path') , fs = require('fs'); var validator_js = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../validator.js')).toString(); function test(options) { var args = options.args || []; args.unshift(null); if (options.valid) { options.valid.forEach(function (valid) { args[0] = valid; if (validator[options.validator].apply(validator, args) !== true) { var warning = format('validator.%s(%s) failed but should have passed', options.validator, args.join(', ')); throw new Error(warning); } }); } if (options.invalid) { options.invalid.forEach(function (invalid) { args[0] = invalid; if (validator[options.validator].apply(validator, args) !== false) { var warning = format('validator.%s(%s) passed but should have failed', options.validator, args.join(', ')); throw new Error(warning); } }); } } describe('Validators', function () { it('should validate email addresses', function () { test({ validator: 'isEmail' , valid: [ '' , 'x@x.x' , '' , '' , 'hans.m端' , 'hans@m端' , 'test|123@m端' ] , invalid: [ 'invalidemail@' , '' , '' , '' , '' ] }); }); it('should validate URLs', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , valid: [ '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '$-_.+!*\'(),' , 'http://localhost:3000/' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' ] , invalid: [ 'xyz://' , 'invalid/' , 'invalid.x' , 'invalid.' , '.com' , 'http://com/' , 'http://300.0.0.1/' , '' , 'rtmp://' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' , '' + new Array(2083).join('f'), , 'http://*', , '*', , '!' ] }); }); it('should validate URLs with custom protocols', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , args: [{ protocols: [ 'rtmp' ] }] , valid: [ , 'rtmp://' ] , invalid: [ '' ] }); }); it('should validate URLs with underscores', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , args: [{ allow_underscores: true }] , valid: [ '' , '' ] , invalid: [ '' ] }); }); it('should validate URLs that do not have a TLD', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , args: [{ require_tld: false }] , valid: [ , '' , 'http://foobar/' , 'foobar/' , 'foobar' ] , invalid: [ 'foobar.' ] }); }); it('should let users specify whether URLs require a protocol', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , args: [{ require_protocol: true }] , valid: [ , '' , 'http://localhost/' ] , invalid: [ '' , 'foobar' ] }); }); it('should let users specify a host whitelist', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , args: [{ host_whitelist: ['', ''] }] , valid: [ '' , '' ] , invalid: [ '' , '' , '' ] }); }); it('should let users specify a host blacklist', function () { test({ validator: 'isURL' , args: [{ host_blacklist: ['', ''] }] , valid: [ '' , '' , '' ] , invalid: [ '' , '' ] }); }); it('should validate IP addresses', function () { test({ validator: 'isIP' , valid: [ '' , '' , '' , '' , '::1' , '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1' ] , invalid: [ 'abc' , '' , '' , '' ] }); test({ validator: 'isIP' , args: [ 4 ] , valid: [ '' , '' , '' , '' ] , invalid: [ '::1' , '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1' ] }); test({ validator: 'isIP' , args: [ 6 ] , valid: [ '::1' , '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1' ] , invalid: [ '' , '' , '' , '' ] }); test({ validator: 'isIP' , args: [ 10 ] , valid: [ ] , invalid: [ '' , '' , '' , '' , '::1' , '2001:db8:0000:1:1:1:1:1' ] }); }); it('should validate FQDN', function () { test({ validator: 'isFQDN' , valid: [ '' , 'dom.plato' , '', , '', , '', , '' ] , invalid: [ 'abc' , '' , '', , '*', , 's!', , '', , '/' ] }); }); it('should validate alpha strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlpha' , valid: [ 'abc' , 'ABC' , 'FoObar' ] , invalid: [ 'abc1' , ' foo ' , '' ] }); }); it('should validate alphanumeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAlphanumeric' , valid: [ 'abc123' , 'ABC11' ] , invalid: [ 'abc ' , 'foo!!' ] }); }); it('should validate numeric strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isNumeric' , valid: [ '123' , '00123' , '-00123' , '0' , '-0' ] , invalid: [ '123.123' , ' ' , '.' ] }); }); it('should validate lowercase strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isLowercase' , valid: [ 'abc' , 'abc123' , 'this is lowercase.' , 'tr竪s 端ber' ] , invalid: [ 'fooBar' , '123A' ] }); }); it('should validate uppercase strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isUppercase' , valid: [ 'ABC' , 'ABC123' , 'ALL CAPS IS FUN.' , ' .' ] , invalid: [ 'fooBar' , '123abc' ] }); }); it('should validate integers', function () { test({ validator: 'isInt' , valid: [ '13' , '123' , '0' , '123' , '-0' ] , invalid: [ '01' , '-01' , '000' , '100e10' , '123.123' , ' ' , '' ] }); }); it('should validate floats', function () { test({ validator: 'isFloat' , valid: [ '123' , '123.' , '123.123' , '-123.123' , '-0.123' , '0.123' , '.0' , '01.123' , '-0.22250738585072011e-307' ] , invalid: [ '-.123' , ' ' , '' , 'foo' ] }); }); it('should validate hexadecimal strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isHexadecimal' , valid: [ 'deadBEEF' , 'ff0044' ] , invalid: [ 'abcdefg' , '' , '..' ] }); }); it('should validate hexadecimal color strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isHexColor' , valid: [ '#ff0034' , '#CCCCCC' , 'fff' , '#f00' ] , invalid: [ '#ff' , 'fff0' , '#ff12FG' ] }); }); it('should validate null strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isNull' , valid: [ '' , NaN , [] , undefined , null ] , invalid: [ , ' ' , 'foo' ] }); }); it('should validate strings against an expected value', function () { test({ validator: 'equals', args: ['abc'], valid: ['abc'], invalid: ['Abc', '123'] }); }); it('should validate strings contain another string', function () { test({ validator: 'contains', args: ['foo'], valid: ['foo', 'foobar', 'bazfoo'], invalid: ['bar', 'fobar'] }); }); it('should validate strings against a pattern', function () { test({ validator: 'matches', args: [/abc/], valid: ['abc', 'abcdef', '123abc'], invalid: ['acb', 'Abc'] }); test({ validator: 'matches', args: ['abc'], valid: ['abc', 'abcdef', '123abc'], invalid: ['acb', 'Abc'] }); test({ validator: 'matches', args: ['abc', 'i'], valid: ['abc', 'abcdef', '123abc', 'AbC'], invalid: ['acb'] }); }); it('should validate strings by length', function () { test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [2], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'abcd'], invalid: [ '', 'a' ] }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [2, 3], valid: ['abc', 'de'], invalid: [ '', 'a', 'abcd' ] }); test({ validator: 'isLength', args: [2, 3], valid: ['干𩸽', '𠮷野家'], invalid: [ '', '𠀋', '千竈通り' ] }); }); it('should validate strings by byte length', function () { test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [2], valid: ['abc', 'de', 'abcd'], invalid: [ '', 'a' ] }); test({ validator: 'isByteLength', args: [2, 3], valid: ['abc', 'de'], invalid: [ '', 'a', 'abcd' ] }); }); it('should validate UUIDs', function () { test({ validator: 'isUUID' , valid: [ 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-4078-8F07-9141BA07C9F3' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3' ] , invalid: [ '' , 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3xxx' , 'A987FBC94BED3078CF079141BA07C9F3' , '934859' , '987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07A-9141BA07C9F3' , 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111' ] }); test({ validator: 'isUUID' , args: [ 3 ] , valid: [ 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' ] , invalid: [ '' , 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' , '934859' , 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-4078-8F07-9141BA07C9F3' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3' ] }); test({ validator: 'isUUID' , args: [ 4 ] , valid: [ '713ae7e3-cb32-45f9-adcb-7c4fa86b90c1' , '625e63f3-58f5-40b7-83a1-a72ad31acffb' , '57b73598-8764-4ad0-a76a-679bb6640eb1' , '9c858901-8a57-4791-81fe-4c455b099bc9' ] , invalid: [ '' , 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' , '934859' , 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' ] }); test({ validator: 'isUUID' , args: [ 5 ] , valid: [ '987FBC97-4BED-5078-AF07-9141BA07C9F3' , '987FBC97-4BED-5078-BF07-9141BA07C9F3' , '987FBC97-4BED-5078-8F07-9141BA07C9F3' , '987FBC97-4BED-5078-9F07-9141BA07C9F3' ] , invalid: [ '' , 'xxxA987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' , '934859' , 'AAAAAAAA-1111-1111-AAAG-111111111111' , '9c858901-8a57-4791-81fe-4c455b099bc9' , 'A987FBC9-4BED-3078-CF07-9141BA07C9F3' ] }); }); it('should validate a string that is in another string or array', function () { test({ validator: 'isIn', args: ['foobar'], valid: ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', ''], invalid: ['foobarbaz', 'barfoo'] }); test({ validator: 'isIn', args: [['foo', 'bar']], valid: ['foo', 'bar'], invalid: ['foobar', 'barfoo', ''] }); test({ validator: 'isIn', args: [[1, 2, 3]], valid: ['1', '2', '3'], invalid: ['4', ''] }); test({ validator: 'isIn', invalid: ['foo', ''] }); }); it('should validate dates', function () { test({ validator: 'isDate' , valid: [ '2011-08-04' , '04. 08. 2011.' , '08/04/2011' , '2011.08.04' , '4. 8. 2011. GMT' , '2011-08-04 12:00' ] , invalid: [ 'foo' , '2011-foo-04' , 'GMT' ] }); }); it('should validate dates against a start date', function () { test({ validator: 'isAfter', args: ['2011-08-03'], valid: [ '2011-08-04', new Date(2011, 8, 10) ], invalid: [ '2010-07-02', '2011-08-03', new Date(0), 'foo'] }); test({ validator: 'isAfter', valid: [ '2100-08-04', new Date( + 86400000) ], invalid: [ '2010-07-02', new Date(0) ] }); }); it('should validate dates against an end date', function () { test({ validator: 'isBefore', args: ['08/04/2011'], valid: [ '2010-07-02', '2010-08-04', new Date(0) ], invalid: [ '08/04/2011', new Date(2011, 9, 10) ] }); test({ validator: 'isBefore', args: [ new Date(2011, 7, 4) ], valid: [ '2010-07-02', '2010-08-04', new Date(0) ], invalid: [ '08/04/2011', new Date(2011, 9, 10) ] }); test({ validator: 'isBefore', valid: [ '2000-08-04', new Date(0), new Date( - 86400000) ], invalid: [ '2100-07-02', new Date(2017, 10, 10) ] }); }); it('should validate that integer strings are divisible by a number', function () { test({ validator: 'isDivisibleBy' , args: [ 2 ] , valid: [ '2', '4', '100', '1000' ] , invalid: [ '1' , '2.5' , '101' , 'foo' , '' ] }); }); it('should validate credit cards', function () { test({ validator: 'isCreditCard' , valid: [ '375556917985515' , '36050234196908' , '4716461583322103' , '4716-2210-5188-5662' , '4929 7226 5379 7141' , '5398228707871527' ] , invalid: [ 'foo' , 'foo' , '5398228707871528' ] }); }); it('should validate ISBNs', function () { test({ validator: 'isISBN' , args: [ 10 ] , valid: [ '3836221195', '3-8362-2119-5', '3 8362 2119 5' , '1617290858', '1-61729-085-8', '1 61729 085-8' , '0007269706', '0-00-726970-6', '0 00 726970 6' , '3423214120', '3-423-21412-0', '3 423 21412 0' , '340101319X', '3-401-01319-X', '3 401 01319 X' ] , invalid: [ '3423214121', '3-423-21412-1', '3 423 21412 1' , '978-3836221191', '9783836221191', , '123456789a', 'foo', '' ] }); test({ validator: 'isISBN' , args: [ 13 ] , valid: [ '9783836221191', '978-3-8362-2119-1', '978 3 8362 2119 1' , '9783401013190', '978-3401013190', '978 3401013190' , '9784873113685', '978-4-87311-368-5', '978 4 87311 368 5' ] , invalid: [ '9783836221190', '978-3-8362-2119-0', '978 3 8362 2119 0' , '3836221195', '3-8362-2119-5', '3 8362 2119 5' , '01234567890ab', 'foo', '' ] }); test({ validator: 'isISBN' , valid: [ '340101319X' , '9784873113685' ] , invalid: [ '3423214121' , '9783836221190' ] }); test({ validator: 'isISBN' , args: [ 'foo' ] , invalid: [ '340101319X' , '9784873113685' ] }); }); it('should validate JSON', function () { test({ validator: 'isJSON' , valid: [ '{ "key": "value" }' ] , invalid: [ '{ key: "value" }' , { "key": "value" } , { key: 'value' } , '{ \'key\': \'value\' }' ] }); }); it('should validate multibyte strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isMultibyte' , valid: [ 'ひらがな・カタカナ、.漢字' , 'あいうえお foobar' , '' , '1234abcDExyz' , 'カタカナ' ] , invalid: [ 'abc' , 'abc123' , '<>@" *.' ] }); }); it('should validate ascii strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isAscii' , valid: [ 'foobar' , '0987654321' , '' , '1234abcDEF' ] , invalid: [ 'foobar' , 'xyz098' , '123456' , 'カタカナ' ] }); }); it('should validate full-width strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isFullWidth' , valid: [ 'ひらがな・カタカナ、.漢字' , '3ー0 a@com' , 'Fカタカナ゙ᆲ' , 'Good=Parts' ] , invalid: [ 'abc' , 'abc123' , '!"#$%&()<>/+=-_? ~^|.,@`{}[]' ] }); }); it('should validate half-width strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isHalfWidth' , valid: [ '!"#$%&()<>/+=-_? ~^|.,@`{}[]' , 'l-btn_02--active' , 'abc123い' , 'カタカナ゙ᆲ←' ] , invalid: [ , 'あいうえお' , '0011' ] }); }); it('should validate variable-width strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isVariableWidth' , valid: [ 'ひらがなカタカナ漢字ABCDE' , '3ー0123' , 'Fカタカナ゙ᆲ' , 'Good=Parts' ] , invalid: [ 'abc' , 'abc123' , '!"#$%&()<>/+=-_? ~^|.,@`{}[]' , 'ひらがな・カタカナ、.漢字' , '123456' , 'カタカナ゙ᆲ' ] }); }); it('should validate surrogate pair strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isSurrogatePair' , valid: [ '𠮷野𠮷' , '𩸽' , 'ABC千𥧄1-2-3' ] , invalid: [ '吉野竈' , '鮪' , 'ABC1-2-3' ] }); }); it('should validate base64 strings', function () { test({ validator: 'isBase64' , valid: [ 'TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQsIGNvbnNlY3RldHVyIGFkaXBpc2NpbmcgZWxpdC4=' , 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZW50dW0gc2VtcGVyIHBvcnRhLg==' , 'U3VzcGVuZGlzc2UgbGVjdHVzIGxlbw==' , 'MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAuMPNS1Ufof9EW/M98FNw'+ 'UAKrwflsqVxaxQjBQnHQmiI7Vac40t8x7pIb8gLGV6wL7sBTJiPovJ0V7y7oc0Ye'+ 'rhKh0Rm4skP2z/jHwwZICgGzBvA0rH8xlhUiTvcwDCJ0kc+fh35hNt8srZQM4619'+ 'FTgB66Xmp4EtVyhpQV+t02g6NzK72oZI0vnAvqhpkxLeLiMCyrI416wHm5Tkukhx'+ 'QmcL2a6hNOyu0ixX/x2kSFXApEnVrJ+/IxGyfyw8kf4N2IZpW5nEP847lpfj0SZZ'+ 'Fwrd1mnfnDbYohX2zRptLy2ZUn06Qo9pkG5ntvFEPo9bfZeULtjYzIl6K8gJ2uGZ'+ 'HQIDAQAB' ] , invalid: [ '12345' , '' , 'Vml2YW11cyBmZXJtZtesting123' ] }); for (var i = 0, str = '', encoded; i < 1000; i++) { str += String.fromCharCode(Math.random() * 26 | 97); encoded = new Buffer(str).toString('base64'); if (!validator.isBase64(encoded)) { var msg = format('validator.isBase64() failed with "%s"', encoded); throw new Error(msg); } } }); it('should define the module using an AMD-compatible loader', function () { var window = { validator: null , define: function (module) { this.validator = module; } }; window.define.amd = true; var sandbox = contextify(window);; sandbox.dispose(); assert.equal(window.validator.trim(' foobar '), 'foobar'); }); it('should bind validator to the window if no module loaders are available', function () { var window = {}; var sandbox = contextify(window);; sandbox.dispose(); assert.equal(window.validator.trim(' foobar '), 'foobar'); }); });