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randomatic NPM version

Generate randomized strings of a specified length, fast. Only the length is necessary, but you can optionally generate patterns using any combination of numeric, alpha-numeric, alphabetical, special or custom characters.


Install with npm

$ npm i randomatic --save

Install with bower

$ bower install randomatic --save


var randomize = require('randomatic');


randomize(pattern, length, options);
  • pattern {String}: The pattern to use for randomizing
  • length {Object}: The length of the string to generate


The pattern to use for randomizing

Patterns can contain any combination of the below characters, specified in any order.


To generate a 10-character randomized string using all available characters:

randomize('*', 10);

randomize('Aa0!', 10);
  • a: Lowercase alpha characters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
  • A: Uppercase alpha characters (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
  • 0: Numeric characters (0123456789')
  • !: Special characters (~!@#$%^&()_+-={}[];\',.)
  • *: All characters (all of the above combined)
  • ?: Custom characters (pass a string of custom characters to the options)


the length of the string to generate


  • randomize('A', 5) will generate a 5-character, uppercase, alphabetical, randomized string, e.g. KDJWJ.
  • randomize('0', 2) will generate a 2-digit random number
  • randomize('0', 3) will generate a 3-digit random number
  • randomize('0', 12) will generate a 12-digit random number
  • randomize('A0', 16) will generate a 16-character, alpha-numeric randomized string

If length is left undefined, the length of the pattern in the first parameter will be used. For example:

  • randomize('00') will generate a 2-digit random number
  • randomize('000') will generate a 3-digit random number
  • randomize('0000') will generate a 4-digit random number...
  • randomize('AAAAA') will generate a 5-character, uppercase alphabetical random string...

These are just examples, see the tests for more use cases and examples.



Type: String

Default: undefined

Define a custom string to be randomized.


  • randomize('?', 20, {chars: 'jonschlinkert'}) will generate a 20-character randomized string from the letters contained in jonschlinkert.
  • randomize('?', {chars: 'jonschlinkert'}) will generate a 13-character randomized string from the letters contained in jonschlinkert.

Usage Examples

  • randomize('A', 4) (whitespace insenstive) would result in randomized 4-digit uppercase letters, like, ZAKH, UJSL... etc.
  • randomize('AAAA') is equivelant to randomize('A', 4)
  • randomize('AAA0') and randomize('AA00') and randomize('A0A0') are equivelant to randomize('A0', 4)
  • randomize('aa'): results in double-digit, randomized, lower-case letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)
  • randomize('AAA'): results in triple-digit, randomized, upper-case letters (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)
  • randomize('0', 6): results in six-digit, randomized nubmers (0123456789)
  • randomize('!', 5): results in single-digit randomized, valid non-letter characters (~!@#$%^&()_+-={}[];\',.)
  • randomize('A!a0', 9): results in nine-digit, randomized characters (any of the above)

The order in which the characters are defined is insignificant.


  • pad-left: Left pad a string with zeros or a specified string. Fastest implementation. | homepage
  • pad-right: Right pad a string with zeros or a specified string. Fastest implementation. | homepage
  • repeat-string: Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string. | homepage


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2015 Jon Schlinkert Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb on December 10, 2015.